Please give a REAL buff to the smithing cape. The both of the effects are pretty close to useless. There are cape effects that provide multiple unlimited teleports to the crafting guild (the best bank teleport), the fishing guild, a player owned house or portal, warriors guild, legends guild, and Falo the bard. you can even double your health regen or have a permanent ring of life.
These are all pretty fair I'd say, considering getting a cape of accomplishment is not easy to get, but why would anyone want those smithing bonuses? The coal bag extension is only convenient if you are at a normal furnace or superheat item which aren't that common at all for people doing smithing (let alone, at 99). Then there is a boost to smithing experience with the goldsmith gauntlets, which is only useful for people who are going for 200m xp or trying to climb the global rank which is also very uncommon. Why not give a boost that is worth working for? It doesn't even have to be as good as the ones listed above, but it could at least do something valuable.
it could be searched for a hammer and bucket of water. It could allow you to get a daily discount on ores sold in the blast furnace (similar to the Varrock diaries with battle staves). It could give you teleports to Thurgo. 1/2 as much coal used and guaranteed iron bars at any furnace or while superheating. Daily Teleports to Lovakengj. It could allow you to use the blast furnace for free. Unlimited OR limited teleports to smithing locations like anvils, furnaces, the blast furnace, or Keldagrim. Works as Ice gloves at the blast furnace. Broken Blast furnace does not affect your smelting. Get 1 more cannonball per bar while smithing.
Some of these might be op but the point is there is more to smithing than gold bars and the coal bag. Getting 99 smithing allows you to make rune platebodies which is already pretty underwhelming. It would be nice if it had at least some useful benefit for getting 99 smithing.
29-Apr-2017 01:58:25