I agree with everything Mist Rising said, honesty is what you want & honestly we want a NEW SKILL, not a add on to every existing skill. We know you guys can get creative without the players help. We still believe in you!
04-Aug-2014 12:27:51
- Last edited on
04-Aug-2014 12:28:31
Pizzazz Chef
Pizzazz Chef
I agree with everything Mist Rising said, honesty is what you want & honestly we want a NEW SKILL, not a add on to every existing skill. We know you guys can get creative without the players help. We still believe in you!
Why would you want a new skill? Go play rs3 if you want new features. Lets keep oldschool rs the way it was in 2007.
Why would you want a new skill? Go play rs3 if you want new features. Lets keep oldschool rs the way it was in 2007.
Ah, but adding a new skill each and every year IS old school if you look at when skills were released. Its only as time went on that skills started slowly becoming biyearly or even slower! What you want is stagnation, not old school.
"When history witnesses a great change, Razgriz reveals itself... first, as a dark demon. As a demon, it uses its power to rain death upon the land, and then it dies. However, after a period of slumber, Razgriz returns, this time, as a great hero"
Although this account is not as old. I am a veteran player that has been playing Runescape since the very, very original Runescape. My eoc account is about maxed. Theres no content for me left to do besides get my last 70 levels. And I just started off my oldschool character out of bordem. With the game turning into a pay to play for customs and extras, with 1/5th as much new content actually being put into the game. I LOVE this. I am all for new content, even in oldschool runescape that needs a lot of newer updates like being able to press ESC to exit the bank. A brand new skill just gets my heart racing. I really really really hope it goes through and we can have this. It may influence a bit of the market but honestly I am fine with that if I can get many more hours of pleasure out of the only game I have stuck with through the years. That's my input.
Thanks Oldschool Team.
Hopefully enough people remain strong and vote no to send Jagex a message that this is a crap precedent and an even crappier skill.
Given the number of reasons one could oppose this skill, Jagex working to fix those issues (where possible) and repoll seems intelligent to me. This really isn't as simple as a lot of QoL updates like quick banking (which is either ya you like it or nay you don't in my mind). With artisians there's a thousand reasons you may not like it, and them spending forever working with us to fix that probably would have taken...well forever. All of which time we'd rant each time they did fix it (like the community did).
P.s. I hate the entire concept so outside a rework (which isnt happening) I wont be voting yes. No bias here.
Taking Mod Mat K's inbox survey with a grain of salt due to how easily it would be manipulated since it was sourced off site, the various reasons people seem to dislike artisan are not all in the same group. I could understand this logic if artisan failed by a few points and a quick revision may fix that, but it failed by a large amount, and people dislike it for a wide variety of reasons. Every change you make to appease one group will further distance another. This is an egregious waste of development time and community focus.
I'm neutral towards both it being added and not, so i really don't mind.
Just do us the favour,if the next poll fails again,do not try to push it,if it fails twice it's clear players do not want it,and that's what's 07 is about, the community.