To sum up the ideas:
Fossil island should be part of Zeah. I believe most people would agree with me here from what I've read so far in the comments.
I think it extremely disrespectful to not be open-minded to the Runescape community with a response along the lines of, "Nope. Skeletal Wyverns are higher leveled than Ancient Wyverns".
How about you listen to what the community is telling you, and simply raise the level of Ancient Wyverns higher than that of Skeletal Wyverns, so that the slayer level required to kill them would fall around level 82.
The new shield would definitely be too overpowered. Why should a monster that is going to be relatively easy to kill, drop an item that is nearly on par with a monster that is often killed in teams due to its difficulty.
My suggestions:
How about the introduction of granite items be dropped, and have no slayer level requirement to kill them. The biggest problem is the slayer level is too low for them to drop granite boots, so just eliminate it entirely. The people who want to try and get the visage can go for it. Also the Dragonfire shield makes sense, that it will make killing dragons easier, who the (pardon my language) f*** is going to be maging wyverns?
Obviously a large percentage of the community is having problems grasping parts of the new content, so listen to what the community is saying. Please.
12-Apr-2017 20:40:28