
Raids Improvements

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Mod Kieren

Mod Kieren

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Aurella said :
Any chance of reverting the Ruby Bolt Raids nerf? I know that's been highly contested within the community.

We of course saw the reaction that came with the nerf, and have been monitoring it closely.

Ultimately, they were more powerful than they wanted to be, and ended up being by far the best way to take the bosses, with their deep health pools down. Even now that the damage is capped at 100 on the ruby special, they are still very useful, and we see raids teams using them all the time.

Given that they are still being used, I don't anticipate we'll be reverting it, but as I said, we will be monitoring it still.
Twitter: @JagexKiere*

12-Jan-2017 11:22:06



Posts: 307 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Very much liking the Streak option on the Boss/slayer log. Also thank you for adding a raid kc so I can see how dry I am! :D

Very Happy with how well you did with raids. I've been having so much fun, it feels like they came out yesterday :)

Keep up the good work!

Can you say if the Olm changes a buff or nerf or were they hotfixes throughout the week?

12-Jan-2017 11:25:09 - Last edited on 12-Jan-2017 11:26:00 by xMBx

Mar Member 2020


Posts: 2,058 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Super excited for storage units to be within raids, thanks :) .


- Can we revert the ruby bolt spec? talk around the community, it wasn't that over-powered and we are a bit upset that it got nerfed they way it did.

- Great Olm balancing, what kind of balancing is this?

- Any more news on Australian Servers? great olm can be quite frustrating with our ping.

so far so good guys, very happy with the way Raids are, looking forward to further updates.


~Max Total OSRS

12-Jan-2017 11:25:52

p0w3r zerk

p0w3r zerk

Posts: 549 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
revs could drop brawling gloves, pvp weps and gear, maybe statues again.

WHY are rigour and augury so rare? They were supposed to be common drops. Everyone on reddit is also complaining about this. Right now you have the mega richer merchers just hoarding all the scrolls, there not even being used and now they are 400m+. Please make these scrolls more common.
Piety is free from a quest, but magers and rangers have to pay over 400m, is this some kind of joke?????????????????????????????

12-Jan-2017 11:26:44

Mod Maz

Mod Maz

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
xMBx said :
Very much liking the Streak option on the Boss/slayer log. Also thank you for adding a raid kc so I can see how dry I am! :D

You're welcome :-)
Mod Maz
Queen of the Squirrels
RS Training & Developer Lead

12-Jan-2017 11:27:21

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