
Raids Improvements

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Mod Ronan

Mod Ronan

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

Raids Improvements

Over the past week we've continued reading your feedback on the Chambers of Xeric. This week's update includes a number of changes to address what you have had to say.

Raids Changes

Storage Units

Specific rooms within the Raid now have Storage chests to share items between party members.

These storage chests are built using mallignum planks which can be obtained by killing monsters within Raids. They require level 30, 60 or 90 Construction to build the small, medium and large variants.

The storage chests offer the following item capacities:

  • Small - 250 items
  • Medium - 500 items
  • Large - 1,000 items

  • It is possible to upgrade the small and medium chests to a higher tier.

    100 points are awarded to the builder of the chest, as well as 10 points to the players who obtained the planks used.

    Ironmen are able to deposit items into storage chests but are not able to withdraw.

    Preserve Prayer Scroll

    A second, much more common, prayer scroll used to unlock the Preserve prayer can now be obtained from Raids.

    It is no longer possible to unlock Preserve using existing prayer scrolls.

    Chambers of Xeric Teleport

    To help you get back to the Chambers of Xeric a bit quicker, it is now possible to unlock a Chambers of Xeric Teleport using an Ancient Tablet .

    Ancient tablets are a common, untradeable reward from Raids. When using on a Xeric's talisman, a Chambers of Xeric Teleport is permanently unlocked.

    Once you've unlocked the Chambers of Xeric teleport using the Ancient tablet, you'll no longer receive them as a reward from Raids.

    Second Farming Patch

    A second herb patch has been added to skilling rooms within Raids. This will help speed up the process of growing a large number of herbs.

    Kodai Insignia & Wand Changes

    Previously, the Kodai Wand was simply received as a drop from Raids. With today's update, this is no longer the case.

    Players will now receive a Kodai Insignia from Raids instead of a Kodai Wand. The Kodai Insignia must then be used on a Master Wand in order to create the Kodai Wand.

    Smite Change

    Prior to today's update, if your prayer was drained to 0 by smite at the same time you died, your prayers would remain active and protect item would still take effect.

    This is no longer the case. Prayers will now deactivate the moment your prayer points are smited to 0 .

    Boss & Slayer Log Improvements

    The boss and slayer logs have been given an overhaul to make them more useful and a little nicer to look at.

    A streak count has also been added to help you track your individual kill streak, which can be manually reset using the button on the right.

    In addition to this, the boss and slayer kill count can now track beyond 65535 !

    The Chambers of Xeric are now also being tracked in the boss log.

    In other news

  • The Great Olm has received some balancing changes.
  • Altered the colours of the prayer icons for Preserve, Rigour and Augury.
  • Fixed the 'Destroy' option on Christmas 2016 rewards.
  • Fixed ear colour on the green slayer helm.
  • Fixed an issue for female characters with max cape and mystic dust staff.
  • Fixed a head snapping issue when changing direction while wielding godswords.
  • The Pyromancer robe bottoms no longer stretch when fishing.
  • Small tweaks made to the ingame messages during the Olm fight.
  • Cannons can no longer be placed within the swamps of Kourend.
  • The number of Lizardmen around the swamps have increased.
  • Fixed a typo on the Master Crafter’s dialogue.

  • Discuss this update on our forums .

    Mods Archie, Ash, Ghost, Jed, John C, Kieren, Mat K, Maz, Merchant, Ronan, Roq, TomH, Weath & West
    The Old School Team


    12-Jan-2017 10:41:39 - Last edited on 12-Jan-2017 11:13:07 by Mod Ronan



    Posts: 2,302 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
    Looks exciting, thanks for the update

    Any chance of reverting the Ruby Bolt Raids nerf? I know that's been highly contested within the community.
    Mod Jed

    your imbued heart has regained its magical power

    12-Jan-2017 11:14:31 - Last edited on 12-Jan-2017 11:28:07 by Aurella

    Mod Kieren

    Mod Kieren

    Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
    Original message details are unavailable.
    Any word on a possible cave in the wilderness similar to Rev Caves in 2k17?

    It's something many of us have been interested in doing. The main question has always been what loot would the revenants or similar provide?
    Twitter: @JagexKiere*

    12-Jan-2017 11:19:12

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