i hate to say it but pre eoc is here again. re change the name from oldschool.runescape.com
to preeocscape.
its funny, we all blame jagex this time but remember, community voted for this stuff, 2 years ago no one would of voted in d claws, then come to this current time everyones been slowly soothed into it over the years and everyone jumps on the bandwagon to vote it in. im not saying d claws are op. dragon throwing axes are not op, whats op is when you go to try solo pk in singles and a clan jumps on you all with max gear ags/twistedbow/dclaws/augury max mage/ dragon throwing axe/ spec trades, how the hell is anyone supposed to stand a chance at tanking that now? i feel game is gonna be really unbalanced, raids.. what a joke that turned out to be.. but thats jagex for ya they say "raids" knowing people in there mind are going to think of a system like WOW and say fuck yes to that, 80% of community thought we were running into swarms of enemys barraging them for points taking out mini boss's then leading up to a finale boss at the end out of 1 of the 6 or what ever is there... but nope we get some garbage ass running around cooking food for an hour before you even fight like what the fuck lol.. how's anyone supposed to solo it? yes the boss's the mechanics are cool? the conecpt? i dont think so. you's couldnt even come up with something self thought and and createful you's just took old concepts and changed things about them. top job on the graphics all looks cool on that side besides the walking through a tunnel that seems to be in space because of the blackness? like couldnt yous add floor scaling with down ramps and the sides actually made to look like rocky dungeon?
this is just 1 big ass cycle.. they take wildy away in 07 and fuck the game, now they sell bonds for gp. jagex are running the game like the rothschilds run the world. at the end of the day all its about is money. they dont care they we sit here for endless days grinding at this game we love.
06-Jan-2017 06:53:41