love it all well besides the Dinh's Bulwark, love the concept of the idea of having a tank shield, but I don't think players will use as tank shield due to the dps when it decreases 20% damage and no dps damage gained from it. Maybe if it did 20% decrease to damage and -10% dps damage or something to where it still did some sort of dps.
¸,•°'´`'°•¸ . ¸•°•¸ .:;:. ,·¹¹, Maxed 109 Range Tank pvp/pvm
.:. . ,·¹¹. ,' . ',¸¸,.',.,¸¸,' .:.. ‘·,¸¸,·'ˆ'·,¸¸,· Jagex where my pvp updates??
. ',¸¸,’ ‘, .::.. ¸’ .:. ,' . 99 slayer/ +45k bosses slain/ 14 pets/pvp
]click here to Apply![/qfc] ‘·,¸¸,·'ˆ'·,¸¸ 109 Maxed Range Tank
30-Oct-2016 23:45:22
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30-Oct-2016 23:51:23
Gf tankss