I'd like to give my constructive feedback?
Firstly, Dragon Claws! This is a step in the right direction. I applaud the Old School Team for finally giving them a chance at polls. More so for accurately educating us and monitoring feedback, which is WHY I am writing to you.
To the point, I believe raids are in danger. More so in danger if any of this content fails to pass when polled. You've said it yourself:
"raids will be one of the biggest, most ambitious, and overall most challenging PvM experiences Old School RS has to offer to date."
So why do these rewards feel so underwhelming? A whole lot of the majority.
Dragon Claws:
Absolutely proud of you for polling this weapon. They are not over-powering compared to the one tick AGS 81+ max. They are also highly sought after. My suggestion is make them a reward from one of the final / more difficult bosses in the raids. This will help keep a control on them being overpopulated in PvP.
Dragon Shortsword:
Rubbish. Absolute rubbish.
New Prayers:
100% What this game needs to progress better PvP, and more difficult PvM. If weapons become overpowering, look into releasing new armors, prayers, and consumables.
Dinh's Bulwark:
Which leads me to the new 2H-Shield. Great idea, and will fit in perfectly for the future of "real tanking" and better PvM.
Raid Armors:
Are getting a lot of hate. If these don't pass we'll barely be offered ANY reasonable rewards. I also find these rewards 100% LAUGHABLE! They are barely better than Bandos / Armadyl / Ahrims, yet cost a lot to use. No HP bonuses or anything. These are the "big reward" we are waiting for???
Speaking of final boss reward we were waiting for...WTF guys... seriously, WTF. At least poll the Diving Sigil. These robes are a joke. 6% Damage, and a bit of accuracy, but so rare no one will use them? Well done. JK rethink this ENTIRELY!
Dragon Throwing Axes:
Junk. Absolute JUNK.
29-Oct-2016 22:34:09