I dont really see the point in this 2 handed shield. You canon switch between attack styles and other weapons fast, this means you can only tank with the shield i guess?
Thats good, otherwise elysian would be pretty useless and it has to be BIS or you will scam a lot of players.
But the 2-handed shield, will it be used? I dont think so, only players who could use it are low levels trying to do bandos or whatever. But they will most likely not be able to affort this.
Mabye only give it a delay to change between weapons and not for attack style? Not like the shield hits high and makes it just that bit more usefull.
The shield has to be semi-rare not very rare so its affordable for low levels. Either way i will vote no on the shield because it seems useless, and i really dont wanna see a buff either and make ely drop 100 of mills.
The rest is looking good, only the bow seems OP as it can hit 80-90 on sara/zulrah if i'm correct.
-»‡«- Skilor - Leader of The Hyperion Empire -»‡«-
CC: Hyperion
29-Oct-2016 11:44:36
- Last edited on
29-Oct-2016 11:51:38
Making rewards "very difficult" to obtain is the wrong way to do things. If you make these new rewards 100s of mils not many people can afford that nor can they safely play around with gear of that value. I realize its raids and all but relax, the rate you get gwd items is nice try to do something around that drop rate. Otherwise these items will end up being items that really only get merched or staked.
Please keep oldschool runescape old school. So no elder armours etc, they have been polled often enough! No to dragon claws, but yes to the ancestral robes. Only fair with Bandos and Armadyl out there. No the new bows/shields etc.