So after all this uproar about the fairy ring change I decided to do the reasonable thing and go back and read what they polled.
Taken from Old School Content Poll #47:
"Question 23: Should it be possible to enter fairy ring codes at any fairy rings to travel directly to the location? This would remove the need to travel to Zanaris with each use of a fairy ring."
This passed with an in game Yes vote of 86.4%. Last week was it added? Yes it was as a left click option on the fairy ring.
"Question 24: Should a 'last used' teleport option be added to the fairy ring menu?"
This passed with an in game Yes vote of 90.5%. Last week this was added as the only right click option.
Now lets look at what happened this week. The left click option was reverted back to it's original functionality and the old left click became the first right click option, forcing the last used to the second right click option. Now notice the wording of the question. They asked should it be possible to dial codes from any fairy ring. That is what we voted yes for. We didn't vote for that option to be the left click option or the original functionality (left click Zanaris teleport) to be removed. Jagex haven't done anything against what we voted.
Last week they could have released fairy rings with a left click Zanaris option, 1st right click option dial combination and 2nd right click option last used and it would have fulfilled what was voted for in the original poll. Please take a step back and look at what was voted in before you assume that left click was voted in as being dial code. There hasn't been any reversal of votes in this case so please stop claiming Jagex have committed the ultimate sin.
29-Sep-2016 22:02:19
- Last edited on
29-Sep-2016 22:03:32