Let me explain why this update was a terrible idea.
The xp is about the same as logs but more afk, and you profit. This means there is no reason to firemake the old way. This means the demand for logs will crash ruining the prices of logs and will devalue the wcing skill itself.
It's the only place you can get the pet I heard. Why?
By the time you get the full outfit, you will already have 99 fming because the xp is so fast and the outfit is so rare. Plus you can get duplicates of each piece making it even more rare.
WHY would you waste so much time making an OP minigame for the most stupid and useless skill in the game?
The whole idea of it is also just plain stupid. Light braziers to kill a boss thats the season of winter itself? WHHAAATT????? Plus the gameplay could not be more bland. It's the fishing trawler of fming.
You're not going to remove it so all I can do is suggest how to improve it.
1. Cut the xp rates almost in half.
2. Remove high value loot.
3. Be able to get the pet by burning logs. Its a skill, not a boss.
4. Make the outfit less rare. And no duplicates...
08-Sep-2016 19:07:39