
The Wintertodt

Quick find code: 380-381-325-65830381



Posts: 3 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I do like the update. Firemaking is a skill that isn't the most fun skill in the game to train. Doesn't serve much purpose so the mini game really helps to have a fun way to train. Making money is awesome but I really would like the outfit. Still nothing after playing since the update came out but making good loot. It would be nice to have a better chance getting the outfit then making a few mil worth of loot. Keep up the good work with the updates

10-Sep-2016 02:55:15

Mar Member 2024


Posts: 5 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The minigame is great in my opinion, the exp rates is fair. Just another funnier way, with slower exp than regular firemaking. But the drops is WAY to good, the seeds as of right now has crashed so much that it makes farming almost free in my eyes. Example : Maple seeds has gone down 30k EA in just 4days? Please do something about the rewards before its to late.

10-Sep-2016 21:00:20

Stay Insane
Oct Member 2021

Stay Insane

Posts: 68 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Yeah i'd like to submit a complaint, you guys really need to tweak these things a litter better before release or not as much as you have because wintertodt was great but then everyone's feedback changed the mini game after people received pets and whatnot. Im really upset you made it so the mages have to be healed before relighting the pyre because i feel not healing the mage was the only way to get to 2000 points and now its almost impossible. i feel this change was forced by players just trying to get the most xp and didn't care about the drops meanwhile the drops keep getting buffed and i cant ever get a chance at a better drop. The ability to variate the amount of points you got added variety to the game and now its monotonous for the best xp... just like fire making was before. congratulations to all the player who made this possible for not welcoming change.

10-Sep-2016 22:03:36

Mar Member 2024


Posts: 212 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
great update dev team! 2 things. financially op for lvl 3s would be a shame to see a herd of bots. pet seems common??? can we get a drop rate. is it only available from the crate if so do u get 2 chances each time you open a 500 box ect. would love to know

10-Sep-2016 23:54:09

Dec Member 2011


Posts: 52 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think this minigame/boss is nice. But for me its quite OP. Experiences are high maybe they should be 10% nerfed. Pyro outfit drop rate is fine now. BUT rewards are so OP! Its crashing so much. Maple seed the most 48k -> 18k (4 days) Also yew logs drops over 20%! There isnt also the use for Yews for FM.

I think you didn´t want to make Wintertodt dead content and you didn´t but rewards are really huge. Even without such as good rewards people will still play it because of great FM exp!

11-Sep-2016 09:33:01

c o r m a c

c o r m a c

Posts: 1,027 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
dang you guys reeeeeallly messed up the market for seeds. pretty much every seed that is given as an award has been dropping like mad. snapdragon seeds are selling for less than 30k, and the herb will probably crash pretty soon here with the huge influx of cheap seeds. this is an update id expect with rs3 not oldschool and I am very dissapointed.

11-Sep-2016 20:53:33 - Last edited on 11-Sep-2016 23:47:04 by c o r m a c

Afk need wee

Afk need wee

Posts: 4 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
hi, I'm just curious if its still possible to get the torch or tome of fire. I'm at 9m firemaking xp since release and have not had either drop I have stopped for now as don't wanna get my last 3 lvls till I know its possible to receive these items

12-Sep-2016 10:50:52

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