
The Wintertodt

Quick find code: 380-381-325-65830381



Posts: 301 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
skowotek said :
Can you explain why you think it's ok to make a major change to PvP without polling with the premise of it being a bug/exploit, and leaving it for PvM?
Either change it back, or change it for PvM too.

Its their game and Jagex can do what they want with it. Including changing broken mechanics without polling them.

09-Sep-2016 09:56:33



Posts: 4,067 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Enjoyable minigame/boss, good job.

Farm/fletch/herb seems completely irrelevant to do within the minigame however. Making the pots on my irongirl isn't even remotely worth it, exp or point wise. ~only complaint I can see.

Don't see a point in nerfing firemaking exp if there's no boost to the other skills experience wise. Firemaking is cancerous to the wrist, anyone that got 99 the old fashioned way and is feeling cheated; well, it was your choice to be masochistic in the first place.

09-Sep-2016 10:39:28



Posts: 250 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Still impossible to get the Pyromancer gear even after 90 kills dry. (Top at 32 and kc is 120)
You guys sure that you didn't buff the normal rewards so that it counteracts the rates of which you get the pieces?

09-Sep-2016 12:38:19

Ice Lolly

Ice Lolly

Posts: 106 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
why you guys ruined wintertold by patching ?

its was great before patch :( now its alright still better than normal way

now its way harder get 500+

i killed boss 67 time and only got 2 gloves

drop rate for pyro outfit is too high

and this patch u take too much dmg very often

09-Sep-2016 15:21:02 - Last edited on 09-Sep-2016 15:35:02 by Ice Lolly

Nov Member 2013


Posts: 377 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Enjoyed it on release day, hope you didn't nerf it like i've heard. Will try later, was already disappointed with the loot drops at times, especially because of how rushed it felt. ( Supplies like ores when it was almost exclusively firemaking content, instead of adding it to a future mining reward, and having more monetary incentive here.) The set drop rate was absurd and I gained over 2.2m FM Exp yesterday or so and only obtained the top\hat, while i've also heard that this has been changed i wonder why you allowed the stupidity to pass through in the first place... I can see making it hard to get - but the exp rate to piece ratio was HORRIBLE, without complete luck anyway.

It just felt rushed, which is my point, but all-in-all it WAS nice. Just listen to us more BEFORE updates, rather than after? PLEASE?

You have to give credit where credit is due - it FEELS as though you wished this to be much, much more than it was, but i'm sorry it just simply wasn't from what I experienced. I'd sure rather do this than burn logs in a straight line, so for that - thanks. I personally hate making exp easier and easier to get but firemaking is just a stupid skill, so I thank you for at least trying and doing an alright job. There's just work to be done!

Also fix the poll system, if you're going to change your word and do updates like the PID\tick eating changes to things like Pvp, (and trust me i dont even care about pvp in this year, it's the idea of changing what people are used to at your discretion and being hypocrites about it.) then you may aswell re-vamp the system that is another major deciding factor in the game. It feels more of a hassle than a help these days.

Please remember a twitch chat strawpoll =\= the community's voice....

09-Sep-2016 19:17:13 - Last edited on 09-Sep-2016 19:32:33 by Comedy

IronMan Zoh
Nov Member 2014

IronMan Zoh

Posts: 15 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
only50fps F said :
Let me explain why this update was a terrible idea.

The xp is about the same as logs but more afk, and you profit. This means there is no reason to firemake the old way. This means the demand for logs will crash ruining the prices of logs and will devalue the wcing skill itself.

It's the only place you can get the pet I heard. Why?

By the time you get the full outfit, you will already have 99 fming because the xp is so fast and the outfit is so rare. Plus you can get duplicates of each piece making it even more rare.

WHY would you waste so much time making an OP minigame for the most stupid and useless skill in the game?

The whole idea of it is also just plain stupid. Light braziers to kill a boss thats the season of winter itself? WHHAAATT????? Plus the gameplay could not be more bland. It's the fishing trawler of fming.

You're not going to remove it so all I can do is suggest how to improve it.
1. Cut the xp rates almost in half.
2. Remove high value loot.
3. Be able to get the pet by burning logs. Its a skill, not a boss.
4. Make the outfit less rare. And no duplicates...

I totaly agree with this.

There should be 2 ways of training fm. The rich way by buying logs like magic or redwood wich will give you better xp/hour, but will cost you money OR the profitable way where you get a lot less xp, but make a profit.

Having both xp rates AND rewards in the same traning method is just rediculous and feels a lot like rs3 to be honest.

Also not being able to get the pet from the skill is so wierd. It's a skilling pet or am I wrong here? Will there be a real firemaking pet someday and this is a boss pet?

Finaly, like Stud pivel said, you will get 99 before you get the full outfit. Why do you need it then? 200m xp? Let's be honest, a very few people go for this goal.

If anything has to change, it's the xp/hour . I get more xp than burning magic logs. It shouldn't be a thing.

09-Sep-2016 22:04:11

Saving Guide

Saving Guide

Posts: 1,479 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I like this update, but some of the rewards seem like they shouldn't belong.
I would like to see the supply crates updated by removing all tree/herb seeds except for spirit seeds. Inputting Zeah specific things instead like grape seeds,raw anglerfish(replace sharks), dark essence blocks(replace pure essence), botanical pie fruit. If in the future you could add a redwood tree seed and have one you can grow outside the woodcutting guild in a patch there with a agility/woodcutting level to use the shortcut. Generally could add a teak tree farm spot by the sand area by the docks where the sand crabs are a bit by the charcoal bank. Rather would see these type of seeds implemented into the game than putting out main tree seeds and diminishing their value.

10-Sep-2016 00:16:51

Saving Guide

Saving Guide

Posts: 1,479 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Have a entry fee of the highest burnable logs 10 of each of what you can, remove trading inside so if it goes semi dead and a world can go with no healers a person can get a person to come in and trade food for unlimited fire training. Improve the way the braziers function by not giving xp or points if the pyromancer is dead/incapacitated. Make use of the restoration potions and a food source that has 3 doses instead of 4 and can heal 8 damage per sip thus removing outside ability to bring in food/potions. Improve the fletching mechanic/speed to fletch logs automatically if clicked on rather than manually. Cap the points at 2k but still offer the firemaking xp past this.

10-Sep-2016 00:23:11 - Last edited on 10-Sep-2016 00:25:13 by Saving Guide

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