
The Construction Expansion

Quick find code: 380-381-319-65826125

Lego Miester
Nov Member 2023

Lego Miester

Posts: 35,342 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
For the love of Guthix please talk to the RS3 team about adding these POH changes. They're too good! I had a lectern room with the telescope facing into a wall literally since Construction came out , and have long since gotten 99 mining, with no ability to just rotate the darn room! Headcanon Haven, where everything is made up and the points don't matter.
OSRS Lore: Xeric
Slepe Tight - Slepe Lore

26-Aug-2016 21:35:13 - Last edited on 26-Aug-2016 21:35:59 by Lego Miester

Aug Member 2004


Posts: 6,585 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
When in the recoil settings of the Ring of Suffering (I) it has the option to discard charges. Is this just removing the recoil charges or will it refund you ring of recoils? (I have like 6m worth of charges on the ring, so I do not want to find out by trial.)

27-Aug-2016 17:37:37

FY5s Alt

FY5s Alt

Posts: 21 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hi People!
I have a few suggestion to make construction even more versatile!

-Ability to mount treasure-trail items to the Armour stands.
-Ability to mount any other armour-items that have platebody/platelegs/full helm (including initiate/proselyte/black/white)
-Ability to mount item sets with SKIRTS rather than PLATELEGS.
-Ability to mount 2h Swords from bronze up to Godswords. (this would make a great item-sink upon Bandos/Zamorak and Saradomin Swords).
-Ability to mount armour sets WITH kiteshields.
-Ability to mount Dragon Armour assuming, you have a Dragon Med Helm, Chain Body, Platelegs/Skirt and an SQ shield.
-Ability to upgrade Mounted Glory to a Mounted Fury amulet making it to inherit the teleport charges of the glory (pure visual).
-Ability to mount collection of Cut Gems collection (five upgrades up to zenyte)
-Ability to build mineable Ore Rocks in the Garden (decoration only). (able to choose between old and new models..personally I'd prefer the newer models of the rocks)
-Ability to have an Anvil inside house Workshop.
-Ability to have a Spinning Weel inside Workshop.
-Ability to use Fireplaces as Crafting Ovens/Smelting Furnaces.
-Ability to CHANGE the frame of the Entrance/Exit portal.
-Ability to build herbs (same model from the farming patch) (visual only).
-Ability to build higher level furnitures than teak in rooms like kitchen.

-Ability to choose Armadyl/Bandos/Zaros heralds (both for representing them inside house and to decorate heraldic items)

-No remove buttons when in non-building mode.
-Left-Click (or toggleable) remove on furnitures.
-Left-Click (or toggleable) Build on build-spots.
-Toggleable remove option for high-value furnitures.
-Ability to pay the butler for longer periods of time.

-Ability to add ALL OTHER teleports from Ancient/Dark/Lunar Spell books.

30-Aug-2016 21:43:57

FY5s Alt

FY5s Alt

Posts: 21 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

-New, higher level lecterns with the ability to create tablets like Kourend Teleports, Enchant Zenyte, and some new tablets that allows players to enchant up to 5 jewelleries at a time in their inventory.

-Mount Quest Capes/Diary capes here (only those)

-A new, even more ornate looking altar and burners made out of magic stones.
-Armadyl/Zaros/Bandos icons above altars.

30-Aug-2016 22:00:38 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2016 22:04:55 by FY5s Alt



Posts: 2,478 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Unsocialized, you might want to check out my thread if you're that interesting in making POH suggestions: "POH Hotspot Expansion 2.0"

Keep in mind that every update will have some effect on the game (development time delaying other content at the minimum), so you should provide justification for your ideas.

31-Aug-2016 14:18:24

Fox Totem

Fox Totem

Posts: 1,896 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Belated thanks and many of them for this update and for whatever update brought more portal chamber destinations. Love the poh Spirit Tree and that one can now move rooms around.

The point of the journey is not to arrive.

20-Oct-2016 20:33:36

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