Hello , first of all.. alot of people are addicted to staking.. they go to the duel arena , "yolo" their bank and then quit cause they lost. It's happened 3 times for me. Lost 300m , 3 times and couple of 100/20/10m... that's not alot versus people who had serious stacking addiction. Now i've rebuilt and i'm controlling myself to not stake.....aaaaaaand there's my friends. Some of my friends just can't control themself and always finish to stake all and then quit. I think osrs should add a systeme like the casino are doing. To ban ourself out of the duel arena. I know theres a clues that you need to do into the duel. But maybe somekind of system that you can still duel people, but can't add items or money? I know that people who want to really stake can gives cash to a friend and he will stake for him. But staking will be harder to do cause not every body trust people.. By the way , sorry for incomprehensible sentences or words , i'm french!
24-Aug-2016 20:21:48