
Dev Blog: Wintertodt Rewards

Quick find code: 380-381-314-65821627

Jun Member 2014


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Some people don't want another skilling set because they are growing redundant and/or would rather keep another outfit on while firemaking.

The Wintertodt should drop Pyromancer gloves and a Pyromancer ring rather than the full set that would essentially do the same thing, but take up fewer worn slots.

In total, the Pyromancer outfit gives +2% XP to Firemaking. The gloves should give +1%, as should the ring. The gloves + ring should have drop rates increased from the rate that you had in mind for the full outfit.
2004 Veteran
Maxed OSRS 2/20/16
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11-Aug-2016 13:56:17



Posts: 10,978 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
MysticNipple said :
Not a fan at all of the new fire spell buffing tome. Did some calculations and fire wave will hit 2 damage higher than flames of zamorak at max mage bonus even while flames of zammy is charged. This doesn't make much sense as the rune cost is lower for fire wave and charge will become completely useless (it already is but can be useful at wyverns or other specific things). Why not just allow the fire effect to work on flames of zammy? Ice barrage already does way more utility, area damage and hits higher, at the fairly insignificant cost of more runes.

You're forgetting that Z flames can-and should be, cast with SoTD. Firewave's max will be up to 3 lower.

If the tome worked with Z flames, it'd max at around 54 . This would be higher than the max pre eoc mages had.
OSRS Mage Tank.

Believe magic to only be for support? Think again. It's just as valid of a Pking style as melee and range is.

11-Aug-2016 13:56:57

Fe F2P

Fe F2P

Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey guys,

Thx so much for polling F2P Total level worlds. I just wanted to give some feedback on what I thought. Since F2P has such a limited amount of worlds, I think we need to take into consideration the integrity of the "early" game being ruined for newer players as well as for our vets returning. Though I highly doubt a veteran whose returning to the game is going to care about "efficient experience rates" nor will someone whose brand new to the game.

So my proposed offer is

1) A 250 total skill level world - This one isn't meant to be high, I can see people using this world as a real testing grounds to see what a "bot-free" environment is like. This is aimed to accommodate newer-players who are taking the game a bit more seriously.

2) A 1000 total skill level world - This one is for supporting for players who lost their membership status, secondly as well as giving devoted "f2p-only" accounts a home world. I agree the total level looks quite high but an average level of 44 per skill is an easy task for p2p players.

3) [Possibility] A Total skill level world of 750 - for the same reasons #2 above.

[DISCLAIMER] Personally I have a bias desire for the 1000 total skill level world because on my f2p Iron man I have a current total of 1018. However putting my bias aside, I honestly think a 750 total would be generous to both p2p and f2p because I can see even p2p players having a hard time getting 1k total. I would love to see all 3 be polled.

Thanks yall,

Fe F2P

11-Aug-2016 18:45:54 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2016 18:48:14 by Fe F2P

Nov Member 2013


Posts: 377 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Embarrassing. Like really, a firemaking outfit?.. Focus on IMPORTANT things, ... nice to see things like the barb assault updates coming because its things like that which make casual players not want to participate. Why, WHYY are you guys seemingly not wanting to make it more of an interactive experience rather than for example an NPC which is gonna convert X amount of your items because you are lazy. Instead of a firemaking revamp in areas where it's obviously dead content you instead choose to just give us a tiny boost making the 99 just more experience and not a visually fun and interactive experience. NPC contact for watson? Is it really that difficult to keep track of your own clues... ? - and the fire tome, REALLY? 50% more base damage? Lmfao. Who even thought of obviously ripping off the tome of frost and then adding that idiocy of a passive effect to it? It's just annoying to someone such as myself.

Doing diaries lately on my other account and most of the game is empty, look at trouble brewing.. Unfinished questlines .. etc.. All I have to say is i'm just sad over all this. Yes i'm partially biased and I do admit that because when I joined oldschool I thought the updates coming to the game would be helpful improvements to the oldschool appeal of the game whilst you as a team seem to want to only expand into a NEW game. I just don't understand that, and people can call me salty all they want but if i or people such as myself don't express themselves it won't seem such a big issue.

So disappointed... Easyscape BS. Surprised you didnt throw in a pet with superior slay monsters or something haha....

Yes I probably came off as rash but it bothers me. Hope you listened to even 1% this.

11-Aug-2016 19:39:34 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2016 19:46:14 by Comedy

Aesthetic XP
Jul Member 2023

Aesthetic XP

Posts: 105 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Blast Furnace Thoughts:
The blast furnace NPC update should only apply to skill total worlds.

That solves the problem of bots being able to pay and get in for the most part.
The fee should be at 75-100k, depending on your smithing level.

Firemaking Outfit:
The firemaking outfit is pointless its already one of the fastest skills.

The fire tome that boosts damage is also too op, even with the limited casts you will be able to do. SOTD pures would just be that much more powerful..

11-Aug-2016 22:55:50 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2016 22:56:17 by Aesthetic XP

Apr Member 2022


Posts: 119 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aesthetic XP said :
Blast Furnace Thoughts:
The blast furnace NPC update should only apply to skill total worlds.

That solves the problem of bots being able to pay and get in for the most part.
The fee should be at 75-100k, depending on your smithing level.

yes I second this if we are going to have npcs that run the blast furnace we should make it for skill total worlds only. I really don't think we should have the blast furnace updates because it may very well ruin all the blast furnace clans ive been apart of, I'm seriously wishing there wasn't 89% yes but if we are having worlds where npcs run the blast furnace then I would definetly agree with having skill total worlds for blast furnace npcs. Really hope this update doesn't ruin my favorite moneymaking skill but I'll take it as it comes :( All the other updates look good to me.

"The pizza is aggressive"- Jimmy Neutron 2013

11-Aug-2016 23:39:53

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