And one more note on previously mentioned concern that if player gets whip at the beginning, then it’s a guaranteed victory for him. That’s not necessarily true, there are probably dozens if not more situations, where that whip will benefit player very little or not at all or even be harmful for him/her! For example a player could even loot 14 whips, 14 dragon chainbodies and someone with maple shortbow, mithril arrows and couple of sharks will most likely kill such player or a whip might put target on player and everyone else might automatically unite against player with a whip. And I don’t know how exactly game’s combat mechanic works, but from my own experience I can only compare it with sea waves. When I’m on the wave, I can hit hard and often into almost anything regardless the equipment and anyone else can barely harm me (once again – regardless the equipment). Between waves however the story unfortunately is a bit different, event with the best gear available I barely hit anything and far poorer looking players/NPCs are keeping me on my toes. I even lost battle to someone with rune scimmy when I had a whip, black d’hide body, legs, full prayer and full inventory of sharks and swordfishes, because in the battle that lasted for around 5 minutes with a whip (!) I almost constantly hited 0s and probably in total did no more than 200-300 hitpoints worth of damage........... :/
25-Jul-2016 02:20:27