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Please, do NOT do that. Of course it should be easy to repair the items, because when you pk, all you want to do is PK.
So it seems, but I doubt it. PKing is actually much more than just hitting each other and this addition to repairing the items would be good addition to it.
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This update was to balance out the risk when PKing, not making it harder in any way.
To repair the item is making the game harder, whether it includes GP loss straight from bank or actually repairing the item.
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If you have to go to an NPC to repair your stuff, or if you require special items to repair your stuff, the point for those voting yes to this update disappears.
The vote was about repairing the item. So you have to repair it, not just use your coins on it!
The biggest problem with taking shortcuts in game development is that it is a slippery slope where multiple seemingly harmless choices have an overall effect of dumbing down the game. This has happened in so many games that started as adventure games but eventually got lost in their own meta-games and the gameplay ended up being Microsoft Excel -tier with add-ons after add-ons piled up on what used to be more harmonious GUI and a product.
This is or will be a huge problem for RS because while players are caught up in the meta-games of grinding and efficiency it is hard to get challenges or harms voted into the game. While I agree it is good that we vote on things, I also urge people to look beyond their own meta-games. How would OSRS look in the eyes of a newcomer? Give less efficient updates a chance and it might make your own gameplay experience better and more varied too!
21-Jul-2016 19:14:19
- Last edited on
21-Jul-2016 19:14:50