^Because they can't see past their melee goggles and have absolutely no idea of what the magic skill needs, nor do they care.
Notice how many uses they explained the maul can have in both Pvp and PvM. Compare the maul's description to the wand. Looks like they couldn't think of many uses for the wand.
Gee, I wonder why.
OSRS Mage Tank.
Believe magic to only be for support? Think again. It's just as valid of a Pking style as melee and range is.
14-Jul-2016 01:46:19
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14-Jul-2016 01:48:36
Only thing I disagree with is these prayers. I only want Rigour and Augury and these other ones are going to be the reason they don't pass again
So much this. Rigour and Augury look nice, the other 4 prayers do not.
Also, the elder weapons, Kodai robes, and dragon items will be tradable, correct? Someone said that raid rewards will not be.
And what exactly are raids? I see these news posts talking about "raid rewards" but they make no mention of what raids are. I assume I missed an old news post. I don't have reliable internet access where I am currently, and as a result haven't been playing or following RS news much. But over the last few news articles discussing "raids" there is no explanation whatsoever of what raids are, and even RS07 wiki has nothing.
Please add 75 attack as a requirement to wield the elder wand.
70 slash attack and 72 melee strength and no attack requirement??
Elder Wand: I'm skeptical. I don't know enough about high-level magic weapons to know if this is OP or not. Again, I'm glad it's Tier 75.
It only has +3 higher magic attack than toxic sot* (same magic damage and magic defense), and lacks the toxic sot*'s ability to inflict venom, and has the same magic level requirement to wield. So in that regard they're pretty close.
The significant difference here is that the elder wand has no attack requirement, while toxic sot* requires 75 attack.
Just noticed the wand's melee stats. What did jagex do, see how identical it is to soT* and just copypasted some of it stat numbers into the description without actually checking..?
Seeing as how much more attention they give to melee, I wouldn't put it past them that this is exactly what happened. I suspect the melee stats are not accurate, especially since it wouldn't make any sense for a wand to have them.
Staff of the dead Melee stats:
55 stab 70 slash 72 str
Elder Wand Melee Stats:
55 stab 70 slash 72str
it a copy paste. Seriously jagex..?
OSRS Mage Tank.
Believe magic to only be for support? Think again. It's just as valid of a Pking style as melee and range is.
14-Jul-2016 02:06:09
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14-Jul-2016 02:17:15
So 1 def requirement for rigour augury prayers. 1 attack for best staff in the game with pretty op melee stats? 1 def req for robes better than ahrims...... Sounds like pures are going to have the most op update ever.
So 1 def requirement for rigour augury prayers. 1 attack for best staff in the game with pretty op melee stats? 1 def req for robes better than ahrims...... Sounds like pures are going to have the most op update ever.
How is it the best staff in the game when for all intents and purposes, it's identical to SoT*..? The melee stats are very likely to be a typo, refer to my comment above.
I also highly doubt pures will be willing to get 75 prayer for robes for a trivial accuracy increase. (And it is trivial due to magic already being so accurate leading to heavy diminishing returns on magic attack bonus scaling
when it comes to PvP)
OSRS Mage Tank.
Believe magic to only be for support? Think again. It's just as valid of a Pking style as melee and range is.
14-Jul-2016 02:15:33
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14-Jul-2016 02:23:34
One Timeline
I like the maul.
The mage weapon is ridiculously strong though.
No stronger than the SoT*. Damage is no higher, accuracy increase isn't enough to make a difference, autocasting ancients is irrelevant for everything other than bursting/barraging**, and the 15% rune saving chance isn't as great as it appears because just where will you use it for it to matter? SoT* also has a rune saving chance, just a bit smaller.
PvM? If you want to lose a large chunk of Dps compared to Trident, go ahead.
PvP? What spells you intend to use? Only standard is viable at getting kills as ancients only works with other combat skills supporting it and if one is hybriding, I doubt they're concerned about rune cost.
** Bursting/barraging? If damage boosts work as they did pre eoc, it only applies to the first target which means by using the elder wand you're going have to be switching targets far more often. (If jagex changed this for osrs, tell me) If you're bursting/barraging, I also doubt cost is a concern.
OSRS Mage Tank.
Believe magic to only be for support? Think again. It's just as valid of a Pking style as melee and range is.
14-Jul-2016 03:44:36
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14-Jul-2016 06:02:16