The WAND will be balanced enough if it is very rare say 1/1000. No issues with that other than that.
The MAUL doesn't appeal to me at all and I think the godswords and ballista are power enough already when combined with the g maul we don't need this. I have killed somebody from 121 hp with a bgs and g maul combination. Its just a a waste of creative time.
HOWEVER the most important thing to me and I think should be to everyone to keep the games integrity in the long run rather than just quickfix satisfying everybody is that you NEED A BACKSTORY before you CHUCK RANDOM stuff in the game. Look at GODWARS for example, theres a whole backstory there and a special feel when you enter the dungeon. It gives you a sense of the story and the battle that went on there between the gods. We need interesting backstorys and scenarious,
this should come first when creating new content
, you are making oldschool a very childish and gimmicky game and it doesn't fit with the rest of the game I mean for example MM2 didn't feel nothing like MM1 neive following you and the whole elysian shield joke thing was childish and felt cheap.
Compare your creation of the catacombs of kourend VS godwars dungeon. C'mon, godwars is in a whole different league the katacombs of kourend is a joke. the Arclight has no significance whatsoever its just there randomly. Its a joke people. I think an easy way around this problem is to create quests to unlock new areas and thing. Its an easy way to create a setting a story and a scenario. I can see two easy ways to go with storylines in the game and its with Guthix, and Zaros. Zeah is brilliant in that it is beautiful on the artistic side of things but it feels empty, theres no storyline behind it at all its just placed there randomly. This is what you need to work on.
I think you've got so worked up on thinking of what the player wants that you've forgot your responsibility of being the creater and designer at the same time.
14-Jul-2016 07:31:45