I just dont understand why you wont give us the dragon claws on the old school game not just the tournament worlds , you see time and time again people 1 banging with AGS and say dragon claws are overpowerd.
Think about it like this , you always say to us that what happens in this game is down to us the players , but then Mod Ronnan said " we will never add dragon claws" this is not right this is OLDSCHOOL RUNESCAPE it should always be down to us we pay your'* wages so whats the problem with adding them?
Even if they were to be added the special attack should not be tampered with either , why change something that is totally old school.
You guys made the mistake with pre-eoc hence the release of osrs , makes me think if one day osrs will be pre-eoc then another eoc server....
18-Feb-2016 11:16:03