@Dear Mods
I can tell you guys are really trying, that you really have alot of trust in the community, and that scammers are only a small % which can be taken out with this system, and all the while forgetting that with your totally broken voting system, 26% of the community rule this games future, with the other 74% getting overlooked all together.
This shard share system, or any system that prevents scamming will fail. Why? Because at least 40% or more of active high level players are out right scammers and do not want such a system that would take away from there business.
This is a fact, and so considering that, this shouldn't be a polled thing at all, but instead a tweak to the already broken system that keeps most pvm'ers from getting anywhere. It's basically become what the wilderness was back in the day, before it was removed. If you really want to fix things and take away scamming then do it as a fix to the game in general, and not as a poll that "fixes scamming" it will and always will fail with how this community voting is.
Some things should not be polled on, if the tweak is small and wont damage how the game runs or changes the games mechanics too greatly then you already reserve the right to fix broken systems.
Please consider my message, as I'm not the only one that feels this way about alot of issues. This is Old school, it means the games mechanics stay close to the how it was in the day. It does not mean we cant have updates, or changes to better the games experience for everyone. We can still do both and stay true to how Oldschool was. I tell you now, PVM is not an enjoyable event for everyone anymore, it's become hard to find anyone who wont scam you, and even harder to find an empty world to try and solo a boss on your own. The system needs changing. Y'all need to better the experience for everyone. I don't like a small percentage telling me I cant enjoy this game and have a fair chance because they own a section of it.
09-Feb-2016 23:55:40