
Dev Blog: Shard Share

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Polar Lights said :

I'm in a big and pretty high level pvm clan, but sometimes it may be difficult to find a team, even when theres 50+ players online. Shard share would make pvming with random players an option. Also, i wouldnt trust clan members with an ely. Every now and then, someone scams those, even the high ranks.

I can understand your intentions and I respect your right to have that opinion, but I would note that my contentions have not been contested and I remain firm in the belief that the system is not the problem.

1. Can't find a team at the moment? --> Just wait. Why would your every need be catered to immediately? No need for a new drop system.

2. Wanna pvm with random players? --> Check their names, and do it. Maybe even build a friendship out of it. No need for a new drop system. There is this connotation that without shard-share, every drop will be scammed... And that simply is not true. Perhaps if no friends or clanmates are available at that moment you could refrain from going to the most lucrative bosses, and attend to a different boss if you have to go with a stranger?

3. No trust in clans? --> That is part of life, and I believe should be part of the game. You wanna PvM in teams? Trust is something you will need to develop and build. It doesn't come overnight, but it is necessary to cooperate with humans on an intimate level. No need for a new drop system.

I say again, safety net systems are not the solution to your problem. That said, your vote is your own and you should cast it based on your principled conscience. I will do the same. :)

09-Feb-2016 23:37:35 - Last edited on 09-Feb-2016 23:41:03 by Thinkery

Polar Lights

Polar Lights

Posts: 1,690 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I happen to be the kind of person who wants to team pvm from the second i wake up to the moment i am getting tired. During certain times, you most likely will have to wait hours. With a share system this time would be so much shorter. Surely i have a few friends who i'd trust with an ely or two, but being able to pvm with those players 24/7 is not realistic. With the current system, if you wish to pvm, you can't be too picky when it comes to your team. If there is an easy solution to get rid of this possibility of being scammed, and comes with no real side effects, it should be done.

09-Feb-2016 23:51:28

Jan Member 2016


Posts: 292 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Unfortunately there is no pleasing everyone here, there was heaps of complaints for LS and people saying that they want Shard Share, now that you are dev blogging Share Share everyone posting is saying that LS is what they want.

For those voting no purely because they think it will kill PvM clans then those clans mustn't offer much else to clan members, I think people will still play with PvM clans based on the skill level and efficiency gains and the community aspects.

I think Shard Share is a better system, it is easier for people to understand and less likely that people are going to be able to abuse it. LSP is fraught with issues and chances are no matter how you designed it people would figure out how to abuse it.

I will be voting yes for Shard Share as I think it addresses the problem in a way that is least likely to be abused.

09-Feb-2016 23:53:44



Posts: 128 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Dear Mods

I can tell you guys are really trying, that you really have alot of trust in the community, and that scammers are only a small % which can be taken out with this system, and all the while forgetting that with your totally broken voting system, 26% of the community rule this games future, with the other 74% getting overlooked all together.

This shard share system, or any system that prevents scamming will fail. Why? Because at least 40% or more of active high level players are out right scammers and do not want such a system that would take away from there business.

This is a fact, and so considering that, this shouldn't be a polled thing at all, but instead a tweak to the already broken system that keeps most pvm'ers from getting anywhere. It's basically become what the wilderness was back in the day, before it was removed. If you really want to fix things and take away scamming then do it as a fix to the game in general, and not as a poll that "fixes scamming" it will and always will fail with how this community voting is.

Some things should not be polled on, if the tweak is small and wont damage how the game runs or changes the games mechanics too greatly then you already reserve the right to fix broken systems.

Please consider my message, as I'm not the only one that feels this way about alot of issues. This is Old school, it means the games mechanics stay close to the how it was in the day. It does not mean we cant have updates, or changes to better the games experience for everyone. We can still do both and stay true to how Oldschool was. I tell you now, PVM is not an enjoyable event for everyone anymore, it's become hard to find anyone who wont scam you, and even harder to find an empty world to try and solo a boss on your own. The system needs changing. Y'all need to better the experience for everyone. I don't like a small percentage telling me I cant enjoy this game and have a fair chance because they own a section of it.

09-Feb-2016 23:55:40

Jun Member 2023


Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
' The feedback we saw in response to LootShare made it clear that LootShare is not something that a majority of the community are in favour of.'
Where was my say in this? How about an in game poll?? Thats what its there for isn't it?

10-Feb-2016 00:08:09

Nov Member 2022


Posts: 438 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I will be voting no. We don't need hundreds of shards that are worth 1/100th of the value. Even though the drops are still 'theoretically' worth the same, here is what will happen.

Bandos Tasset drops off Bandos, and is split into 300 shards. 300 shards split 3 ways. These 3 players go to the ge, and list it at market price (1/100th of the value, x their number of shards). Then they realize that they cannot sell these items at market price. They will have to -5% or more, because no normal players are going to be buying these items. Only merchers will buy them buy undercutting the price, and make full gear. Normal players are just going to buy complete gear, not these stupid shards. Indirectly, every player is making less money, because they are going to have to sell to merchers who will form the gear and sell at mark ups.

Just add the option to clans for loot priority. Each time someone gets a big drop, those who didn't gain an ever increasing chance to earn the drop over another player. It's the fairest method and doesn't devalue the gear by needing to sell incomplete gear to merchers.

10-Feb-2016 00:23:30

Polar Lights

Polar Lights

Posts: 1,690 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Gravoc said :
I will be voting no. We don't need hundreds of shards that are worth 1/100th of the value. Even though the drops are still 'theoretically' worth the same, here is what will happen.

Bandos Tasset drops off Bandos, and is split into 300 shards. 300 shards split 3 ways. These 3 players go to the ge, and list it at market price (1/100th of the value, x their number of shards). Then they realize that they cannot sell these items at market price. They will have to -5% or more, because no normal players are going to be buying these items. Only merchers will buy them buy undercutting the price, and make full gear. Normal players are just going to buy complete gear, not these stupid shards. Indirectly, every player is making less money, because they are going to have to sell to merchers who will form the gear and sell at mark ups.

Just add the option to clans for loot priority. Each time someone gets a big drop, those who didn't gain an ever increasing chance to earn the drop over another player. It's the fairest method and doesn't devalue the gear by needing to sell incomplete gear to merchers.

In rs3, the amount of money it would require you to create the item is so much more than what the item actually costs. The shard prices cant really be less than what the actual item costs, or it would be ridiculously easy money.

10-Feb-2016 00:34:31

Ika Crow
Nov Member 2010

Ika Crow

Posts: 155 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The best solution would be to include shardshare until instantshare could be sorted, since shardshare is an antiscam measure unlike ls, however it makes drops fluctuate slower and shards could be hard to sell, and also add Ls, since some people like that concept, I think LS is good for people who go in small teams with lsk and then go with random people to earn more gp. Or maybe give an approximate date where instant share could be introduced and poll instantshare+lootshare, of course instantshare should have some limit like -5% price from ge, but I'd like it to be toggleable and in case the item doesn't have any offers at that range maybe give shards.

10-Feb-2016 00:35:16

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