If you're trying to push claws onto us then fine, but at least have it use 65% spec in 1 spec and cap the damage.
Also as a clanner I would like to see new items for F2P as using the same weapons for the past 3 years has become stale, I would love for Fist Of Guthix to be re-introduced for a more variety of weapons/gear.
Mod Ronan
We have no plans to offer them as an addition to Old School. But, hey, a little fun can't hurt!
famous last words.
as long as they remain on the tourney worlds, I see no problem with d claws making a reappearance. the problem is, how many times have they said one thing on their blog, only to reverse it when it came to adding things to the game.
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes