I voted no to zulrah and blowpipe. I vote no to jad 2/tokhaar kal. I voted no to dragon defender, I was even one of the people who voted no to dragon warhammer because I saw the problems with statius warhammer, (if you make corp even marginally easier/faster, it will increase the amount of corps killed/h marginally, and there will be a noteworthy amount of arcanes and elysians entering the game) I'm upset that you all fail to see my points :/
There's just honestly no point in adding needless power spikes to ALREADY BIS gear. On release day, blowpipe could hit 45+ at dart speed. You all saw the problem with that, and rightfully nerfed it in PVP - but if you think dbow rushers are bad - if you think AGS - > gmaul rushers are bad, you didn't pk in 2008.
I NEVER saw anyone barrage->ags->gmaul in 2008. NEVER ONCE. I pked A LOT. Every day. I got d claw rushed literally any time my protect melee was down, and they'd stack 4 hits from a good 5+ squares away by venging first, and using that to delay running/animation. I wouldn't even see the person rushing me, I would ONLY see 4 stacked hits at first. And that would be followed with another 4 stacked hits, if the guy was wearing full bandos, and max str+, He would deal more than I could heal a good percentage of the time.
and the amount of little kids that watch sparc mac ninja turtle made the wilderness a ******* nightmare for anyone who just wanted to pk. This will EASILY quadruple the amount of rushers and make pking EVEN MORE DEAD than it already is, because if you can't pray range from the dbowers ( because gl not praying melee with dclaws in the game ) they're just gonna take turns tagging you.
02-Feb-2016 16:45:48
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02-Feb-2016 17:21:55
The mad dan