
Zeah: Great Kourend

Quick find code: 380-381-251-65727838



Posts: 11 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This place is amazing, graphics are good and can tell by how nothing crashed with the internet I have :P . just needs peoples opinions to improve it as that is what they were looking for, maybe people could have some respect for how much effort they put in and at least give feedback without getting so aggressive. It was never suppose to be a complete new continent as they wanted ideas from us....

Thats why I have some ideas :)

could make area smaller or add more buildings to fill the void, small quests around each area that get the player moving and more interactive with the buildings and areas.(quests could contribute to the house). Great Kourend has just had their king die who had united them all, why not have a big quest (after you've done atleast most of the smaller quests around the place), that is based on some new prince rising from this supposedly kingdom that will soon fall apart from war if their is no leader too unite them(maybe their is a prince/princess that was hidden away).

The houses instead of making it a loss when you switch to a different house, that it stays where it is, relating back to the quests^^ where you can do quests that help in building relations between the houses, being less individual as this place use to be all united :P

other ideas people already have is more improvement in the spell book, changing the tier armour to fit more with the cmb lvls with the defence lvl requried increases each tier :)
and many other ideas that i cant fit but you get the point.

These are suggestions and not negative feedback thrown back at the people who made this content :) ) hope many others can do the same.

ps. could you put at table that is next to the rune essence mine :P and that it had chisels on it and bronze picks if someone forgets, was kind of annoying finding out needed chisel when i got there but thats just one thing that needs to be added :) thank you.

08-Jan-2016 02:41:27



Posts: 707 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
yea you see this is the problem with giving them good feedback is because we are already giving them what we want and our money. We clearly voice what we want, we PAY them money (membership), and they release terrible content. I mean seriously, it's not rocket science.

08-Jan-2016 02:54:29 - Last edited on 08-Jan-2016 02:55:24 by Meadow



Posts: 177 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lets keep the emotion out of the issue.

Yes the update was a little bit of a let down, however it is not irreconcilable. It is fixable and this update has a lot of potential.

griping and threatening to quit wont make anything better.

To reiterate. make the building size and city size more proportional. create a city that feels more like a single unit with 5 houses, as oppose to 5 units placed together

08-Jan-2016 03:01:18 - Last edited on 08-Jan-2016 03:03:51 by Foxtrot8



Posts: 11 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
^^ see thats what i mean could have just agreed with my ideas, and the more people agree and contribute the better chance it has of reaching the content makers, plus like i said this continent was never suppose to be complete it was a building ground for ideas from us, the poll a year and a half ago if no one knows asked if we wanted a new area, now you have a chance to contribute. its only been a day so lets just wait...

08-Jan-2016 03:06:59 - Last edited on 08-Jan-2016 03:08:56 by zav0

Sir Doland
Aug Member 2022

Sir Doland

Posts: 154 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Meadow said :
yea you see this is the problem with giving them good feedback is because we are already giving them what we want and our money. We clearly voice what we want, we PAY them money (membership), and they release terrible content. I mean seriously, it's not rocket science.

You and many others clearly don't understand the concept here. One of the core ideas with Zeah was actually letting players contribute with ideas so that the continent will be a creation of the whole community, for the whole community.

That was what the mods visioned early on, anyway. Do they remember it, do players remember it? Jagex really have a great opportunity to stick to the plan, and this is how.

We now have a nice looking but kind of empty landmass. We've gotten a slight feel for the area. And in that way we, the players, can get our own idea of how Zeah, the lore, the characters, quests, activities etc should develop over time.

We need players brainstorming with ideas, and mods to listen. We need PDC competitions with ideas for how to fill Zeah and in the long make Kourend and future parts of the continent the best it can possibly be.

Mods should encourage brainstorming and take note, this needs to happen asap.

08-Jan-2016 03:43:25 - Last edited on 08-Jan-2016 03:47:21 by Sir Doland

Joda DeElder

Joda DeElder

Posts: 45 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Please add an introductory quest for Zeah.

So I showed up to Zeah. Instantly got the "Well what the hell do I do?" feeling.

Talked to some NPC's and they're like "Oh, well you can get to work by asking the dock boss" and stuff.

Finally found the dock boss and he says I need to get rep. Well great, now I have to find a way to get rep. I ask around more random NPC's. They say "Help me fix these nets"

Oh, good. Something I can do! Oh.... Wait... They want me to go through the hassle of bringing planks and nails down to the dock repeatedly from the bank? Boring. And what do I get out of it? The ability to do more work?

So I eventually wander around, find some weird looking stuff that I don't understand at all and don't know where to begin.

I'm sitting here thinking "Huh, well where's the quests? Monsters? Surely they have that on a new continent. Or is this just all one big crafting mini-game area?"

That's my first impressions. If there's something more to it, I'll likely find it after talking with people who do it. But for now, it would be great to have a quest or something to atleast give me a goal or something.

Granted, you have a forum guide for it here, but really it doesn't point to where to get started.

08-Jan-2016 05:10:28

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