Key Update & Seaweed
This week we've got an exciting quality of life update that will save you bank space and time. We've also got a buff for the nets found in Piscatoris!
Key Examine Information
95 keys throughout Old School now have examine options describing their purpose. Rather than playing a guessing game to try and find out which key is for what, you are now able to simply examine a key to solve the mystery of where it is used!

Piscatoris Nets
The nets found inside Piscatoris which can be searched for seaweed have received a buff. It now takes 3 seconds for the seaweed to respawn in these nets rather than the usual 15 - 21 seconds.

HP Skill Guide Update
The Hitpoints skill guide now includes a list of food and how many Hitpoints each type of food heals. If you've ever wondered what the best food for you is, wonder no more!

In other news...
Quality of Life/Other updates
We have some exciting plans for the future of Deadman mode and today we will be sharing these plans with you. We want to know what you think to be sure that the direction we take Deadman mode is one that the community is behind. Join us at 5pm GMT on the RuneScape Twitch Channel for the Old School developer Q&A where we will be discussing the future of Deadman mode!
If you have any questions you would like to see answered by the Old School team, send a tweet to @JagexArchie containing your question.
Mods Alfred, Archie, Ash, Ghost, Ian, Jed, John C, Kieren, Mat K, Maz, Ronan, Weath
The Old School Team

10-Dec-2015 10:15:17 - Last edited on 10-Dec-2015 10:50:06 by Mod Ronan