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Pking definitely does
need more OP items. Especially the 10% magic damage boost is just way too much.
You have 85 magic please do not make suggestions if you do not know what you are talking about.
What manner of idiot tells Bwuk Im PB that he knows nothing about magic?
Please, adding 10% more mage damage on top of Staff of light(of the dead) would just be stupid. Don't make it 2013 again with ridiculous 40 damage ice barrages.
I laughed at this moron. Funny how he comments yet all I see him do is rag range with an AGS in PvP worlds. Power ammy, black d'hide and an AGS. The lulz are real.
Once again, support the fact it will have a huge impact on PKer's and none of us want this in the PK scene, apart from maybe the kids that sit in PvP worlds and just barrage/AGS rush people from a safe spot.
We're heading to the point where you could be at pre-eoc;
I could hit 542 with mage, use vengeance, have 200ish slash def, heal with ss and have only 100 combat with 1m risk. Obviously I "abused" it for free loot but it was completely stupid. Well my opinion here won't matter too much since 90% of the playerbase is disgusting skillers anyway.
1. This game is nowhere near Pre-eoc, get your head out of your ass.
2. If anything, the largest majority of this game are PKers. Skillers are the minority, proven by the fact that we haven't gotten a single update, yet combat and PKing has received plenty.
I said
we're heading
to the point, slowly but surely with these ideas. Majority are not pkers either, seeing as wilderness is rather dead most of the time and there are only a handful of clans alive.
26-Mar-2014 18:56:45