When Jagex and PKers are ready to listen to skillers about making the wild full of players you let me know, and I will give you ideas that will work, and its not going to be built around making victims of skillers who don't want to PK.
The wild can be built for PKing, but any ideas anyone has of making skilling the bottom of PKing pyramid will never work.
If you want the wild to have skillers in it, you have to make it so skillers won't get killed by PKers a majority of the time, so they can profit and will want to be there. Trying to make skillers fodder will just result in an empty wild.
If PKers want someone to kill, then Jagex better change their ideas of how the wilderness really works, and stop thinking they can built it with skillers at the bottom, and start building it around getting PKers to fight other Pkers. That is the only way a wilderness rejuvination project will ever work, is if the wild is built around making PKers targets of other PKers.
Meanwhile, I'll be staying out of the wild.
If you don't like the risk, stay out of the wild. Well I am, so why do PKers tell me to stay out if I don't like the risk, then try to get Jagex to increase the risk, remove 1 and 3 iteming, and think its going to work? Players aren't going with 1 or 3 items because they like risk, and if they can't keep 1 item or 3 items, they will bring no items and risk nothing.
So if you want players to risk, you are going to have to make those who are risking be PKers, not skillers who don't want to fight other players.
22-Mar-2014 21:00:20