
Dev Blog: Wilderness Feedback Thread is locked

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morgains is range and zuriels is range how STUPID ARE YOU SHUT UP

Take a hard long look at the magic and range armor. Now take a look at the melee armor. Tell me how those are balanced.

18-Mar-2014 23:18:04

Mila of 2013

Mila of 2013

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OKAY, so you're nerfing the one piece of content worth using. Can't we at least get a vote on the Rogues? OR COULD YOU AT LEAST MAKE THEM AGGRESSIVE TOWARDS THE PKERS AS WELL INSTEAD OF ONLY TOWARDS THEIVES?

I love the chests too, however if there's no way around safely looting the chests without being in constant combat i suggest Jagex make the castle single player wilderness to give skillers a *chance* at surviving.

18-Mar-2014 23:22:00

Mila of 2013

Mila of 2013

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Instead of putting all the good skilling content in the wilderness, why not put some good content OUTSIDE the wilderness?

Skillers such as myself would love that, however whenever we try to add something for skillers it immediately gets criticized and tossed in the trash bin.

With the Rejuvenation of Wilderness, we have a greater chance of implementing "OP" skilling content and different mechanics we would otherwise never see outside of the wilderness. Wilderness is the best shot we have at getting some interesting concepts.

18-Mar-2014 23:27:01

Jan Member 2024


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Here are some suggestions. but first you must realize many players that vote/read updates and polls will definitely take advantage of the wilderness if they find the wilderness rewarding enough.
1. fountain of rune.
Instead of providing unlimited runes, why not increase xp by 1.5 or 2x per cast. This way people will actually want to bring runes and items and alch there making it very rewarding for pkers to try and pk alchers for their nature runes and alchables as pkable loots.

2. Bosses.
The degradeable armor that you suggested sounds neutral but the drop rate should be higher than that of godwars dungeon bosses. The expiration rate should also be buffed to 5-10 hours, somewhere along those lines. If the strongest armor available is truly rare and is factually the strongest in-game than players will definitely kill those bosses. The expiration will make sure that those items are never abundant but useable long enough to be worth the buy.

3. lava dragons.
Extended anti-fire potions are redundant. Why? because people can already put 20 of the regular ones on a regular trip. That's already many hours a trip without the need to bank. There is no situation in this game where 12 minute anti fire potions are absolutely useful.
POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Make super anti fire potions instead. Killing dragons faster is not game breaking. Whip and shield already decimates most chromatic dragons if hide prices are a concern. Killing metal dragons faster has little disadvantages in terms of price deductions of stuff like Dragon full helm. The value of Dfh is so rare that it can afford a slight decrease in price due to faster kills. The trade off is that more people will have real reasons to kill lava dragons.
Part 2 in next post.

18-Mar-2014 23:37:53

Jan Member 2024


Posts: 1,804 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
part 2

4. Resources dungeon definitely needs an extra boost of faster spawns - there is very little reason to gather there if these resources can be gathered anywhere else at the same rate and without the risk. Also ents should provide woodcutting rates comparable to that of willows. Not only should the resource gathered be close to that of regular woodcutting so must the exp. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to go kill ents if woodcutting outside wildy is MORE EXP AND MORE PROFITABLE. At least make the ents rival that of outside wildy and honestly it should be slightly more.

5. Wilderness KDR- It is very easy to exploit KDR. KDR should be very defined and limited if there is to be truth in the KDR. One cannnot kill the same person multiple times in the wildy and count that. In wildy kdr should only count for unique kills. Two (+) kills of of the same player will register only 1 into the KDR for the entire week (because one day will still make it very easy to farm kills)

6. SLAYER - make the dragon chainbody a requirement to complete the platebody. By bringing in next level tier items that are permanent it will absolutely demolish the previous pernament tier armor. For example, because rune boots was not an item nescesarry to complete the dragon boots, the rune boot price went down the drain and dragon boots retain very little value as well. If you wish, the regular smokey devils should drop 500-1000 pieces of material that along with the dragon chainmail and the piece from the smokey devil boss (provided that its incredibly rare) to make the dragon platebody. This will make the dragon platebody truely rare and prestigious like it was meant to be while also making sure the d chain will not be forgotten (more trips to KQ too!)

18-Mar-2014 23:38:12 - Last edited on 18-Mar-2014 23:39:13 by RiceCupRS

Mila of 2013

Mila of 2013

Posts: 3,197 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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Not for removing the dragon axe special attack. Would be for it if it was in the "operate" option though.

Honestly never seen a single person use a dragon axe for combat, never mind use the special.

Point me to someone that does, I'd like to give them an entire lecture about efficiency and newbieness :)

18-Mar-2014 23:44:49

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 8 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
just giving out ideas but why don't you make it so that you can get a(n) attachable piece of dragon armour that can be attached to the dragon chainbody to make a use of a dragon chain instead of just making the chain useless against the platebody.

just trying to give ideas ;) ^_^

18-Mar-2014 23:45:49

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