
Dev Blog: Wilderness Feedback Thread is locked

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Posts: 430 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Please fix 1iteming/3iteming etc.

I am somewhat pleased you are (attempting) to address the activity side of things by increasing the incentives to enter the wilderness but the updates continue to favour the non-PKing community over the PKing one.
It's all well and good bringing people into the wilderness but there is absolutely nothing for PKers to gain if players are continually allowed to get away with taking nothing into the wilderness leaving them with nothing to lose.

As people have suggested in the past:
- Skull on entering the wilderness.
- If that's too unfair then skull on attacking the bosses.

You want loot? Risk something.

18-Mar-2014 17:42:50



Posts: 5,572 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
What you really need to do is start making certain drops untradeable besides their regular drops as end game content. This will allow people to actually go to the boss if they want certain items, not just buy them from players.

18-Mar-2014 17:43:57 - Last edited on 18-Mar-2014 17:44:09 by TorBlueJays

Old Bonito X
Jan Member 2005

Old Bonito X

Posts: 504 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
make the dragon platebody drop some kinda shard or something to upgrade the chain? Would make kq more active again and have chain rise :D

We should've done this with d boots too! :c possibly also do something like this to barrows armor? maybe we can upgrade it to level 80 armor\weapons with same effects? Or enhanced effects if the community wants it?

all Wildy updates look good tho! Great job jagex.

Make the chaotic pet tradeable, i think peoples main issue with the gwd pets is they hilts are ridiculously rare. We wouldnt want a hilt rare drop thats untradeable :p (which i think most ppl assumed)

Make the fountain of rune area larger! would be awesome to have all out wars there for pvp clans! Also with it giving no experience there is little to no incentive to go out there. Maybe make it so if you bring your own runes u get doubled experience. This would also help rune crafting

Also with the Wilderness update. Maybe add a pk point system to it? i know this could be abused very easily. But if you kill the same people over and over again maybe you should get reduced pts or no pts at all? and certain place should give you more pts?

18-Mar-2014 17:44:19

Ed Elric

Ed Elric

Posts: 5,041 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Please consider my ideas for new gear from the Wildy bosses everyone.
Quick find code: 322-323-809-65321816
Thank you.

i think a lot of these poll ideas are great besides for the bosses. They deserve good unique gear useful to many people instead of gear only useful to a very few rich people. These bosses are easily as hard as Gwd bosses if not more so. Give them good drops that wont become dead content besides for rich stakers and pkers.

18-Mar-2014 17:44:56 - Last edited on 18-Mar-2014 17:47:16 by Ed Elric



Posts: 1,176 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I like all the proposed changes to the wildy, especially the increased spawn rates in the resource area and the npc to note the items, although I think 50gp per item is a tad steep.

My idea is instead for the Dragon Platebody. As we've seen in this thread already, people are pointing out the dragon platebody is simply going to be a cosmetic item - both Bandos and Barrows items already outclass it. On top of this, a few people have been complaining that Clue Scrolls need to be more rewarding if they go in the wildy. How about introducing a 'gold trim' set for the dragon platebody, similar to how they did in Rs3, but instead have it so the more scrolls that take you into the wildy, the more likely you are to get one as a reward? For example, it starts out at maybe 1/4000. 1 scroll in the wildy buffs it to 1/2000, 2 scrolls is 1/1000, 3 scrolls is 1/500 and so on.

If people don't want it to be part of the clue scroll, the new boss/slayer monster could drop it, either one of them exclusively or both of them as with the actual platebody. Or it could even be dropped by Scorpia, seeing as the other two demi-bosses are getting bonus drops. The lore behind it being that the scorpions devoured rich rogues roaming the area and they had found a way to smelt the gold from the resource area onto the dragon platebodies. I dunno.

18-Mar-2014 17:46:56



Posts: 27 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
50 gp to note item is pretty stupid IMO. You already risk alot if you got like full inv of maybe runite ores or crabs, or logs. Also if you hop worlds and log in within short amount of time you shouldnt pay again to enter resource arena, or at least make it way cheaper to enter.

The fountain of rune still needs to give some kind of xp before people will actually stay out there.

18-Mar-2014 17:49:00

Diane Meyer

Diane Meyer

Posts: 856 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Original message details are unavailable.
Dragon Platebody will probably get shot down. Sounds like a drop more suitable to something with lore and a quest or something like adamant dragons.

I like this idea. And if you do give it better stats then BCP make it super rare like the DFH or more, so it doesn't become dead content or crash.

18-Mar-2014 17:49:06

Mod Mat K

Mod Mat K

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Original message details are unavailable.
I like all the proposed changes to the wildy, especially the increased spawn rates in the resource area and the npc to note the items, although I think 50gp per item is a tad steep.

My idea is instead for the Dragon Platebody. As we've seen in this thread already, people are pointing out the dragon platebody is simply going to be a cosmetic item - both Bandos and Barrows items already outclass it. On top of this, a few people have been complaining that Clue Scrolls need to be more rewarding if they go in the wildy. How about introducing a 'gold trim' set for the dragon platebody, similar to how they did in Rs3, but instead have it so the more scrolls that take you into the wildy, the more likely you are to get one as a reward? For example, it starts out at maybe 1/4000. 1 scroll in the wildy buffs it to 1/2000, 2 scrolls is 1/1000, 3 scrolls is 1/500 and so on.

If people don't want it to be part of the clue scroll, the new boss/slayer monster could drop it, either one of them exclusively or both of them as with the actual platebody. Or it could even be dropped by Scorpia, seeing as the other two demi-bosses are getting bonus drops. The lore behind it being that the scorpions devoured rich rogues roaming the area and they had found a way to smelt the gold from the resource area onto the dragon platebodies. I dunno.

We are looking at improving clue scrolls at some point in the future, new rewards and clues etc. Trimmed dragon may well be on the cards then. But that's a question for another day.


18-Mar-2014 17:50:32

Mila of 2013

Mila of 2013

Posts: 3,197 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Farming is a gathering skill too, once you've planted and waited for your precious crops to grow. Please add an herb patch with the incentives below:


Speaking of the resource area, farming is a gathering skill too. They should add an herb patch with reduced growth times and double or triple herbs you'd normally get from outside wilderness.

People could mine the iron ores, while waiting for the herbs to grow. They would be risking tons of herbs, seeds, possibly runes for using lunar spells to fertilize. Of course they'd need to have a Leprechaun there to note the harvests.

If there is room to add an allotment patch too, would be nice.

18-Mar-2014 17:51:34

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