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I like all the proposed changes to the wildy, especially the increased spawn rates in the resource area and the npc to note the items, although I think 50gp per item is a tad steep.
My idea is instead for the Dragon Platebody. As we've seen in this thread already, people are pointing out the dragon platebody is simply going to be a cosmetic item - both Bandos and Barrows items already outclass it. On top of this, a few people have been complaining that Clue Scrolls need to be more rewarding if they go in the wildy. How about introducing a 'gold trim' set for the dragon platebody, similar to how they did in Rs3, but instead have it so the more scrolls that take you into the wildy, the more likely you are to get one as a reward? For example, it starts out at maybe 1/4000. 1 scroll in the wildy buffs it to 1/2000, 2 scrolls is 1/1000, 3 scrolls is 1/500 and so on.
If people don't want it to be part of the clue scroll, the new boss/slayer monster could drop it, either one of them exclusively or both of them as with the actual platebody. Or it could even be dropped by Scorpia, seeing as the other two demi-bosses are getting bonus drops. The lore behind it being that the scorpions devoured rich rogues roaming the area and they had found a way to smelt the gold from the resource area onto the dragon platebodies. I dunno.
We are looking at improving clue scrolls at some point in the future, new rewards and clues etc. Trimmed dragon may well be on the cards then. But that's a question for another day.
18-Mar-2014 17:50:32