Yep, get mad, because I called you out for being a part of harming the entire community as a whole. Some of the worse updates were created with the best of intentions. Look at Runescape 3. The result of Evolution of Combat. Look at Legacy Mode.
At one point do we all say we're sick of "Modes" plaguing our game. We don't have a player base for this. Even if we did it still is a piece of trash. My YouTube work has no cause to create validity towards this. It only shows as a testament of time; that I am a huge part of PvP. I currently hold 2 PvP records. I have the videos to show for them.
I have seen Lv60's and lower come here to say "this is gr78898 idea m9." Yet they have no idea what this will do to our game. I'm convinced you don't either, Tank All Day.
So take your anger out on me. The community will only look right back at you for supporting something like this.
11-Jun-2015 03:25:52