Wyverns are fine?
I hit 90 slayer a long time ago, but I have no motivation to keep going. Why? Because every time I gain a slayer level, and see that I've unlocked a new monster to kill, all I can think about is the fact that wyverns are the best slayer monster to kill hands down... Want to get 85 slayer to farm whips? Wyverns are better. Or get 87 slayer for Krakens? Wyverns are better. How about getting level 90 to farm Dark Bows? Surely they are better money than wyverns... Nope, wyverns are much, much better. But you'd think a level 93 boss, that requires you to be on task just to kill, has to be better money than wyverns. Not. Even. Close.
As it stands, level 72 slayer is end game. 1/13th of the way to 99 slayer should not be the best slayer money.
I have a level 120 maxed melee wyvern killing alt (with a combat brace), and as long as I afk wyverns while skilling on my main, there is not a single skill in the game that I lose money. So if wyverns are so "balanced", then why are people creating alts and spending months to max them out, just to kill wyverns? Nobody ever did this for abyssal demons...
My only hope is that the abyssal demon boss and hellhound boss are good money, because if I get to 95 slayer to find out wyverns are still better... I'm just going to take a break and wait until Zeah comes out. If they can't balance a simple low level slayer monster, how will they ever balance an entire new continent of end game content? Do you really trust a handful of people to make Zeah balanced? I mean think for a second, if they mess even ONE thing up, it could destroy everything. Looking at their recent track record, it scares the hell out of me.
This slayer update is make it or break it for me.
20-May-2015 17:24:37