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I see everyone saying that nightmare zone shouldn't be nerfed because they say people don't want to grind exp, they'd rather it be fast and afkable. Of course everyone wants that, but that's thinking selfishly rather than what makes sense and is best for the game.
The Nightmare Zone needs to be nerfed because it makes combat training way too easy for soo many reasons. This method is by far the fastest combat exp in the game by around 20-30k more exp/hr, it's afkable(Even more so than wcing, fishing, etc.), profitable, and the fact that there really is no risk of dying at all. Also training combat should not be an option within minigames but should be trained in Runescape actually fighting monsters and having some sort of risk.
The last thing Oldschool Runescape needs is to get easier, but instead to maintain its challenge to preserve a higher sense of achievement. The current nightmare zone training method is just absurd and needs to be completely nerfed so that it at least isn't that worth training in. This is what's best for the games sake rather than what people want for themselves!
Are you dumb or just plain arrogant?
Jagex will put up for this in the poll and it will not be nerfed its what the majority wants because of nightmare zone more players are playing osrs and that's what it needs especially now legacy mode coming out for RS3 so players like you can be a downfall of a good going game because why the hell would you want fewer exp like really no one cares about your achievements, there's a lot more to come than just grinding. A lot of players love to pvm, pvp and etc.. and still takes time and effort just a bit easier and a chance to play and do what you like faster. Not Every player wanna trian through slayer or those annoying monsters like spiders or bandits all the time like seriously you calling this seflish you the moron who is selfish my friend because you didnt have a chance to do nmz??
06-Feb-2014 17:42:28