Bonds... Sweet. I guess I needed a reason to get off the game anyways. People paying for their gp again instead of earning it through actual game content such as skilling, boss killing, etc (and when I say "paying for gp", I mean buying bonds with irl cash, then selling those bonds for rs gp).
At least with the stupid gold farming sites, most people are too scared to use them because--let's face it--they're shady looking. Bonds just promote buying gp at an even higher rate.
I guess we'll see an influx of people decked in expensive gear (oh wait, it will no longer be considered "expensive" because most people will have the money anyways), herblore, prayer, crafting, and construction capes. The value of everything will not matter. ew.
Regardless, for whatever reason, on a game that is mostly played by people who should have a job and steady income (ages 18-25), 83% of the game's population wanted this. And since most of us have a means of forking over the monthly cost of keeping a membership, I'm guessing most people voted that way because they want to be able to buy bonds that they can trade for gp.
Deductive reasoning. idk.
27-Mar-2015 03:26:09