Why would you enable bonds in OSRS? Are you that money hungry that you have to devalue the game and crash the money system. I started playing OS because all the fun went out of the game, because you could just buy everything, instead of playing/grinding for it. It drained the fun out of the game. Shame on you.
and why are people complaining about bonds? you realize people rwt anyways? wouldnt you rather donate to jagex to keep the game running?
But now everyone with rich mums and dads will have an extreme advantage on other players. I am fully against bonds.
You should never be able to purchase in-game currency legitimately. Yes people RWT but you get punished for it...
Looks like they're getting needy of money to keep the game running but personally i think the game won't last long if people can pay there way into things with real life wealth.
Cheers, @Mod Ash any idea when MLM update will be released?
I look forward to doing that. It'll be after Easter, but I intend it not to be too long after Easter.
Thanks guys, small but convenient fixes this week.
Any word on when the next poll will go public?
I think we should deliver more stuff from the last poll first.
General MaB
Why would you enable bonds in OSRS? Are you that money hungry that you have to devalue the game and crash the money system. I started playing OS because all the fun went out of the game, because you could just buy everything, instead of playing/grinding for it. It drained the fun out of the game. Shame on you.
It was for the launch of F2P. As you may have seen in Mod Mat K's
, Jagex has found over many years of running RuneScape that when members have the option to play for free, many of them do. While F2P also brings in new members, the balance isn't great. However, in a game with bonds, F2P brings in
members because they can subscribe far more easily. So Jagex offered that OSRS could have permanent F2P, but only if players accepted membership bonds to help the non-members subscribe. We put it to a poll and 86% of voters were in favour.