Man lvl 2
How do you change your varrock teleports to the GE? etc..
Using the spell Varrock Teleport, or a Varrock Teleport tablet after changing its destination to south of the Grand Exchange (requires membership and having completed one set of Varrock Tasks).
has the spider boss been tweeked or something? i only seem to hit like 10s max on it now lol before the update i was doing a lot of wildy bosses and often hit high on it, is this just me being unlucky with my hits?
So does the Explorer's Ring 3 give unlimited teleports to cabbage patch?
• The Explorer’s ring 2 now only provides 3 daily cabbage teleports.
kill joy,thats depressing
,wow thought this was a good idea some one should had been sort of losing interest in this game thanks.
The Explorer's Ring 3 provide unlimited teleport to the cabbage path.
I think this update has been very nice and beneficial
I have at least been longing for that skip dialogue space button thing, and the wilderness boss pets are awsome too! keep up the great updates jagex!
Why haven't you shown which keyboard numbers/buttons correspond to each option. It's generally not an issue with 1 or 2 options but it can be annoying with a lot of options in chat.
RIP Forums
Finally we have signatures in the surprise forum update. I'm Lewis, I play Old School & I've been playing since 2005.