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I never understood why the magic potions shouldn't work the same as the melee ones.
It's funny how different Magic is from the other combat skills.
For melee, ranging and magic, your accuracy is calculated from your stat (including boosts), and from your equipment.
For melee and ranging, your damage is calculated from your stat (including boosts), and from your equipment.
For magic, your damage is set by the spell you're casting, and has nothing to do with your stat (except Slayer Dart and Trident). The max damage you can deal increased with your level simply because you gain access to more powerful spells.
There used to be a rumour that higher-level spells were more likely to splash off. This is not true; your accuracy with magic is not affected by your choice of spell.
While I could fairly easily rewrite spellcasting to increase the damage if your Magic stat is boosted, I'm not sure whether you'd vote in favour of it. Could be interesting.
07-Feb-2014 15:02:28