how long would team oddskull last before win.everything we look at ingame people need to be able to relate to even if some think it could be cool if it doesnt seem possible for game content leads to disinterest such as bandos boss dropping himself as a pet.instead of a barrier for wilderness make like fortifications against it, spikes sticking towards the area signs saying don't go in almost certain death make it look like the rs npc* want to keep everything inthere away from them maybe an npc warning you don't go in as you walk by. could be cool rs npcs fighting at the edges mobs from the wilderness likes its rlly something to keep away from rs community. dropping items appearing instantly makes sense their on the ground it should be that way all over rs.i think voting in rs polls should be only ingame cause people ingame have an idea of whats going on and whats rlly going to affect the rs game i think it should only be in rs game also i do agree with stats req's and such gives people an idea of what the game is about and makes better decisions when voting based on what they know.remember if you think ill give the players what they want like auto filtering to buy/sell and such faster it closes windows for opportunity in rs game causes disinterest cause its not what we relate to in real life which is portrayed here in rs game and doesnt make sense for the rs game itself and would cause disinterest most likely leading to less players and game activity
07-Feb-2015 06:32:17
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07-Feb-2015 06:38:38