@Peeing Only re-sizable mode is coming to OSRS, NOT HD GRAPHICS,EVER. Do not worry. RS3 players wanting the toolbelt and HD graphics can go play RS3, you should never come to OSRS with those ideas, EVER.
Would Mod Ronan or someone let us know if there is any chance Fist of Guthix could be added to Old School? It's my main reason I want to play. I will read all pages for a reply
I want JaGex to add the Fist of Guthix minigame to Old School. It's my favorite minigame and it was released just about 4 month after the Grand Exchange.
Here is feedback from an 11 year rs vet.
I don't see why people are upset about the G/E. IT was released in 2007 anyways and I actually really liked that update. It DID make the game a lot easier though.
I like the tiny screen and would prefer it small (I play in tiny screen on RS3 too and I hate Evolution of Combat). I do not want "HD" Either.
I don't prefer the dragon defender. IT was released all the way in 2010. I'll be fine with it if Jagex put in Fist of Guthix like how it was before EOC and various updates ruined it. I would prefer a completely new item to a Drag Defender.
I like the Achievement Diary Cape. It looks neat. I like new items that have never been around before. The Achievement Diary Cape can be added and not have a horrible effect on the game.
I love the run recharge (The new instant run recharge ruined Fist of Guthix for me). Loadstones and Instant Recharge and all that just make the game too easy and dull for me.
2010 was around the time I maxed out my main account with 126/138 Combat. I thought RuneScape was very good at that time and shortly after it went down hill.
Been Playing Fist of Guthix since the first day it was released. After maxing my main it was ALL I did on all my accounts.
Would Mod Ronan or someone let us know if there is any chance Fist of Guthix could be added to Old School? It's my main reason I want to play.
I'm so glad the Ge is going to be like the one in RS3, thankyou Jagex for putting GE into OSRS
. I support double xp into going into OSRS, I hope it gets put in
08-Feb-2015 23:53:28
- Last edited on
08-Feb-2015 23:54:53
Mattock GP