Just.... wow.
Having a GE in oldschool was a convenience update that I was looking forward to.
Having maxed (well, 99s anyway) finally in RS3 I now had desire to return to OS, and having a GE made it more appealing, rather than ******** around with trading as it was.
Would it make it easier? Yes obviously, and I understand that is part of what many opposed.
But, to place access to it in every bank? What idiocy is that??
Of course a great number of people were ALWAYS going to vote for this. And they are doing it because it makes it even EASIER !
The central hub of the GE was what attracted people. Its what made them come together in one area, which led to interaction.
This idea will quash that completely.
Having a game driven by community polls is fine, but there has to be someone in charge of the game's direction, who can recognise poor ideas before they let them get to the polling stage.
OSRS lacks that it seems.
Grow up Raj, there's no place for truth on the internet.
19-Jan-2015 20:12:19