G.E. Location - In Varrock with accesses through Trading Posts in all bank locations makes the most sense, although I wouldn't say the Fallador location is a terrible idea. Some people welcome a small change and some won't, no big deal.
Could deposit boxes in various locations be used as "Sell only" options to the G.E.??
Grimy herbs - please yes, this will cut down on scammers trying to sell UNID herbs as higher level herbs (I don't know why ppl would buy them UNID but whatever)
Jewellery decanting - very nice idea, just wondering how this would apply to rings of recoil and rings of forging or will those just have their "crack" option to reset a player's count?
Potion decanting - as Mod Ash said, this will effectively kill Nardah (as well as Nardah Teleport scrolls). Above anything it will ultimately save people time cleaning up their banks and selling 4-dose potions.
19-Jan-2015 20:42:18