No to GE
Ok guys I'm going to try to make a point about majority and minority votes which people seem to constantly throw.
Yes there are more people voting for GE the reason being that trading affects everyone. Now some people or most should i say are looking at the poll and are trying to attempt to get a "convenient" trading system.
Now the problem of "Convenience" is that it is detrimental to the game, RS3 updates being a good example of that and how at first people liked it but then now the game is too easy. It just not what osrs is about, its not the spirit of the game.
Now you average player isnt going to always be trading , where as traders are going to be always advertising selling buying, so this poll imho is aimed at the wrong audience. With GE there is no more talking, negotiationg, hagling; all online confidence of item price is determined by the game engine and graphs not by any active selling, this will mean opportunist will get their way of misusing GE to manipulate prices =[
Please vote No to stop this
13-Jan-2015 15:55:00
- Last edited on
13-Jan-2015 15:56:00
Lion 1234