Still say the GE should
be added. The Trading Post should just be updated with the ability to hide players offers with their Private settings set to "OFF" so you can contact them, and not with the ability to trade through the post directly. I mean, what happened to meeting up with other players to trade and interacting with other players? The GE seems to be for the lazy, the people who just wanna make quick money, the people who live with the "I need it
!" attitude. Is it that hard search the Trading Post, kindly interact with a player, and meet up to trade for gear? Be friendly, talk to other people, strike up a conversation, don't be in such a mad rush all the time to get things done. Is it really gonna kill you to message another player and meet up with someone to trade? The Trading Post is fine, the only thing that should be added is hiding offers from players who have their Private turned "OFF"
IMO of course. To each their own. I would just like to see more of a friendly interaction throughout the community. And a strong effort within the game. Working hard to achieve XP, to get certain items, to make money. I feel like the GE would make things easier to obtain, would take away the challenge of certain aspects. That is all IMO though
Part of me wants the G.E. in Varrock and part of me wants it in Falador. I just hope it looks like it originally did back in 2007 and not how it looks now. Decisions....but I am personally not a huge fan of the trading post (it works, I suppose) and I don't like it being in every bank as it disqualifies the opportunity to host a popular location for player-to-player interaction.
I'm also excited for the Dragon Defender and will be in support of that addition!
Rain of Life
Mod Ronan
Mod Ash isn't at his desk right now so I can't ask him for the specific details but he has said that cross-world trading with the trading post would be incredibly problematic and is likely never going to happen.
Mod Ash probably stated that for sanding trades through the trading post. I'm 100% sure that you CAN send items crossworld. How do I know that? GE does exactly that and you propose it to us exactly as it was originally. Otherwise we would have to hop in order to buy an item through GE.
The game can send
information cross-world. Such as six slots of:
- item type
- item quantity
- desired price
- quantity already sold.
Obviously that's why a trading post or GE can work at all.
However, we can't send more detailed information such as "
Player X is standing in the west Falador bank on w313 and wishes to take 1000 of the 2000 fire runes being sold by Player Y who's on w301
When you buy through a GE, the game isn't trying to match your buy offer with any specific player's sell offer. It just matches items based on price, etc. To make the Trading Post go cross-world
while still caring whose items you're buying
, we'd need to get the Engine team to change that. I gather from them that this is a pretty big challenge for them. So if that's what you want, you may as well vote for a GE. Many of you clearly plan to anyway.
However, if you actually like knowing whose items you're buying so that you can, e.g. avoid goldfarmer accounts, trade preferentially with your favourite people, etc. or if you just don't like the other effects of a GE in the game (item flipping anyone?) then you'll be able to vote for a Trading Post expansion that offers this as well as possible.
And in future maybe we'd be able to get enough of the engine team's help to make it go cross-world, though we aren't promising that right now.
Where is the poll question to allow for REAL trading through the trading post?
Like where when you put in an order, it can be accepted by anyone else with no further actions needed by you, except picking up your money later. You don't need to be in a bank, you can be anywhere. Why aren't we polling this as a possible trading post update?
I think I'd actually be excited if the GE is placed in Falador...
Everything stated here is forwarded from a major corporation. Nothing here is my opinion. Enjoy your salad.