Question: Should we open the north side of Varrock west bank to provide access to the agility shortcut? ANSWER: YES
Question: Should we add NPC* that unnote items for 5gp per item near certain general stores? These NPC* would be for the use of ultimate iron men as, although other players could then un-note their items without risk of other players taking them. 1 NPC* would be added to the Karamja general store, Rimmington, Pollnivneach and the Bandit camp. ANSWER: YES
Question: Should a deposit-all button be added to bank deposit boxes? ANSWER: OF COURSE OMG YES YES
Question: Should we add a timer to the fight cave to tell you how long it took you to get from wave 1 to killing TzTok-Jad? ANSWER: WOOOT YES YES
Question: Should we add a fee of 50k to the priestess who collects your dropped items at Zulrah? She will also be made to show what items of yours she is holding and offer you the chance to discard them if you do not want to pay. ANSWER: IDK
GRAND EXCHANGE : YES The Grand Exchange made the game more interesting I like it and don't see why not.
10-Jan-2015 08:35:07