i brought 8 boxes to the gate of taverly
i brought 8 boxes to the pixie
and i brought 5 boxes to varrock square,
yet i didnt get hats, a yoyo or scarfs
i brought 8 boxes to the gate of taverly
i brought 8 boxes to the pixie
and i brought 5 boxes to varrock square,
yet i didnt get hats, a yoyo or scarfs
hello, you need to unwrap presents under the fir tree and talk to Diango as well
The Diango's workshop event -- one of my all-time favorite Christmas events. It has its faults (I think it'd be better if Rosie and Santa just gave us the respective rewards themselves instead of sending us back to Diango), but it is full of charm and wit.
Rosie, in particular, has always been one of my favorite holiday characters. Try asking her about pixies, or asking her if you can keep decorations for yourself. Great stuff, there, and made me want to see more of Rosie in later events/quests/activities. As for the rest of the pixies, my headcanon has it that Cormac (the one with the saw) works for Diango the rest of the year, too, and constantly has to fix Diango's toy stall when it gets damaged by nearby skillers. And he probably is assisted by Ronan, the pixie that shares his name with a certain J-Mod.
I notice that Santa/bearded stranger looks different this time around. Back in 2005, he was thinner and wearing green robes. But I guess since we all know who he is anyway, and there's a new Santa suit out this year, we can throw subtlety to the wind and have him look more like Santa has looked in his appearances since 2008.
The Anti-Santa side-event is interesting. His description says it best. 'Bah humbug' doesn't even begin to describe his feelings. If Santa is the Anthropomorphic Personification of good will and kindness, then Anti-Santa is the Personification of bitterness and cynicism.
And the tree. Love the nod to 'Troll Romance' in the description, as well as the view we get when it's fully decorated. It's sad that the music that plays during that brief scene isn't in the Music Player (though I DO have a MIDI of it from 2005, and I play it alongside the MIDI of Diango's Little Helpers every year when I decorate my tree).
All in all, Diango's workshop is a fun place, and I wouldn't mind seeing Rosie and the rest of the pixies again to help out during holidays (or ask us to help them, or whatever).
20-Dec-2014 20:33:25
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20-Dec-2014 20:38:44
Although I don't play Old School anymore, I redeemed bond and logged in just for this event. You know how much I had been waiting for this. It means a lot to me because I missed the event in 2005. I do remember the imps, but back then I was too noob to realise that there was an event going on at Draynor.
It's sad that the music that plays during that brief scene isn't in the Music Player (though I DO have a MIDI of it from 2005, and I play it alongside the MIDI of Diango's Little Helpers every year when I decorate my tree).
i unwraped the present, and talked to diango, but i didnt get the yoyo.
i do have the scarfs and the hats from last year, are those the same as from this year? like i cant get them again/have multiple?
Great to see Old School being open for Christmas a very nice gift to those players who especially struggle to get membership in which ever way that could be.
Seems like Old School is getting better and better
Reported a bug which is preventing me from doing a critical quest, and was told it would be looked at in the coming weeks. That was many weeks ago. Any chance at a fix soon? Or at least a response?
Motley Crue
Ayisha X
I completed the Varrock tree this morning and the full cut scene played, however I haven't received the Santa suit or rares etc. Is there someone specific I need to talk to? Or do I not receive them as I didn't play the os2013 event?
Wondering the same thing myself. I have completed each event (tree, marionettes, and bauble) in their entirety, 5 boxes, 8 boxes and 8 boxes and haven't gotten anything. Thought it was just me and I wasn't talking to the right person but I guess others are having the same problem? Unless we're missing something lol.
I came on to the forums to see if anyone else had this problem, but then I decided to check my bank. The hats and scarves were there. If not, maybe Diango has them.