There may not be a specific rule that flat out states it, but it literally goes against everything that the IronMan mode existed for.
People have made DIY accounts for years and it was never an official thing, you just had to trust the players word that they never cheated. Now it is an official thing, so obviously Jagex wants to be able to reward those who do it legitimately with the ranks, prestige, hiscores, and badge of an official IronMan.
To think that it was somehow excusable to trade between accounts within stores just because the system didn't block it is nothing more than foolish on the part of the people who abused the methods.
I can't say everyone affected are adults, but to those who are: Let's be adults about this. Simply by the name of the mode, it's pretty much common sense to know that trading between accounts in any sense would be frowned upon and takes away from the legitimacy of the account. Stand up for the wrongdoings you've done, and be a man (or woman) about it. Simple as that.
Should Jagex elaborate and come forth to provide a little more detail? I believe so. Not necessarily to ease the wound, but just so the community can understand why it happened and why it had to happen. At the same time, why should they waste time explaining the obvious away when they could better spend that time to improve the game as is.
Personally i feel the individuals working on the OSRS team are genuinely good people, and do everything they do to support and keep their game alive. That said I support the actions they take on anything that negatively affects the game/community, regardless it if affects me in a negative or positive way.
18-Dec-2014 14:10:57