I personally would like a grand exchange or grand exchange system. The current interface looks really...
. & The current form of trading brings up so many issues and scammers and lots of other trouble, I think it would just be easiest to allow trading through the Grand Exchange, I don't think it's something 99% of players would quit over.
I would like to see automatic trading - not necessarily a grand exchange. I like the trading post idea in every bank but it'd also be good to post buy offers in a ge-like interface. I wouldn't mind offline trading either, to be honest.
When old school was first released, one of the main stipulations was that the grand exchange wouldn't exist, given that the release of the grand exchange marked the very beginning of the ruin of RS3. It was polled. It failed miserably. Don't make the same mistake again. A firm 100% no to the grand exchange in any form. Anything further than a device to allow people to connect with one another is too automated a device, and takes the enjoyment out of the trading aspect of the game. What is currently in place is useful. A further improvement could be the ability to message/real-time trade people through the trading post, to negotiate deals. Any further than that would no longer simply make this a useful tool, but would completely change the dynamics of the very important trading aspect of the game for the worse.
Right, they said that they will eventually re-poll, also, what's the point of having updates at all then ? And seriously why the hell does trading need to be placed around the whole worldmap ? We need one place, end of story.
13-Dec-2014 19:17:22
- Last edited on
13-Dec-2014 19:19:26
OS Mattie