Realistically, I don't see the G.E or anything remotely similar to the GE passing a poll. I personally believe it to be a largely negative solution for the game. Trading needs to be about convenience, without fear of damaging the economy.
So I would say that the best solution is to be able to trade people through the posts. This will stop players getting exceedingly annoyed at others who refuse to come to their location, and at the same time players will always know who they are trading with.
My biggest concern is how the chat system works. Currently, all your private messages are displayed in the same place. For trading, perhaps an independent chat could be implemented in which players can send messages to a seller. When the seller receives the message, perhaps an icon could flash in game to notify them. I have a feeling this might be unpopular but I really think this is necessary to make the trading posts are successful as possible. Which brings me onto my final point...
...being that we must bear in mind that the trading post system MUST be MORE CONVENIENT than the ZYBEZ price guide/forums! Otherwise there will simply not be enough players utilizing the trading post system. The zybez forums can still act as a price guide, but most of the trading SHOULD happen through the trading posts.
Hope this feedback was useful!
13-Dec-2014 19:46:10