don't make any attack or strength requirements over level 70
to any of the diaries. Many want to keep themselves as a mage/range based character with attack and strength at level 70. Any higher would pretty much make them melee based, me included.
I just don't want you to
players to become
That's all.
So far I like all the achievement diary rewards. Very good job on those
This is unlikely to be an issue in OSRS as tanks can unlock a quest cape. The only tasks that would require 70+ attack would be "wield a godsword/tentacle whip" or something to that effect.
Yes, to save you dropping it. It's just like the Bonecrusher, no-one actually uses it to train prayer, it's mainly to tidy up the floor (usually during slayer). This would be the same thing, no extra exp for id'ing the herb with the Herbicide in your invent so no-one can complain about it being "OP". Just for those that are using it, it's just saving them constantly dropping low level herbs.
Anyone that picks up most of the un-ids they see can relate I'm sure.
I totally gets how this can be useful, I just question how rewarding it would be in relation to achievements diaries.
Perhaps it could be added as a perk to be bought from slayer points?
I wouldn't mind seeing it added there. I'm suggesting it here though mainly because the general consensus is the diaries are still lacking rewards, so maybe Herbicide would be used to fill one of those spots.
Lars tha God
Grand Tree
It puts to waste all of the time and effort that us smithers have already put into the skill. Giving everyone else a better opportunity for faster smelting experience isn't needed. There's already a bank IN the Blast Furnace, that's OP enough as it is.
Grand Tree
Are you arguing that the time you've spend achieving 99 smithing will be wasted if there's a more convenient method released?
I don't want to be the one bursting your bubble, but when you max (if you ever do), you're going to hate a lot of updates in this game.
The time spent mining past 61 before the wildernes rejuvenation update was completely wasted.
The time spent hunting past 73 hunter before the aforementioned update was completely wasted.
The time spent training prayer in a POH before the use all function was implemented was completely wasted.
The time spent training range before... You get the idea.
No one will devalue the incredible achievement of you reaching lvl 99 in smithing before the skill was made redundant by the achievements diary update.
It's nice to see other people having this mentality. Updates come and exp rates change, it makes skills easier to get. Luckily in OS they exp rates bare change at all.
It's nice to see other people having this mentality. Updates come and exp rates change, it makes skills easier to get. Luckily in OS they exp rates bare change at all.
Yes, this is extremely important: There's a huge difference between adding GWD and the changes that makes to range/strength training for instance (arma bow, sara sword), or the Kraken boss, as compared to Runespan in RS3.
There's a difference between shaving and cutting your head off.
The nature of Old School Runescape will never let any Runespan esque updates enter the game, but rather implement new content that will be slightly superior to existing content over a significant amount of time. Also, the updates added to the game require a significant amount of time previously invested into the account.
If you want a sara sword, you will have to get the required levels, and money, etc.
Evil Oak
The only thing I don't really like is the bonecrusher, at least move it to the elite rewards seeing as its quite a powerful reward
I would defiantly support this. Especially considering you won't even need to bury or use the bones on an altar/ectofuntus to gain prayer experience.
Happy to move it, any objections?
Only if you remove the ecto-tokens charge.
Lars tha God
Grand Tree
It puts to waste all of the time and effort that us smithers have already put into the skill. Giving everyone else a better opportunity for faster smelting experience isn't needed. There's already a bank IN the Blast Furnace, that's OP enough as it is.
Grand Tree
Are you arguing that the time you've spend achieving 99 smithing will be wasted if there's a more convenient method released?
I don't want to be the one bursting your bubble, but when you max (if you ever do), you're going to hate a lot of updates in this game.
The time spent mining past 61 before the wildernes rejuvenation update was completely wasted.
The time spent hunting past 73 hunter before the aforementioned update was completely wasted.
The time spent training prayer in a POH before the use all function was implemented was completely wasted.
The time spent training range before... You get the idea.
No one will devalue the incredible achievement of you reaching lvl 99 in smithing before the skill was made redundant by the achievements diary update.
I do see where you're coming from, but I'm not exactly talking about just myself in reguards to this update. I chose to put my time into a skill, so I don't believe my own personal time will ever be waste.
All I'm saying is that placing another furnace 5 steps from a bank
make some people upset. Namely the high-xp Smithers (not myself) who have had to use the already existing methods that work just fine, e.g. Blast Furnace and Port Phas. I don't see the need to place more content in-game if it runs the risk of destroying pre-existing content.
Maybe there can be a daily toll/fee to enter the Edgeville furnace? So that way if players want to use the new content they can choose to pay, but if not, they can use the current methods. Just an idea
Time to get my skilling stats up to 75 All for the Hard diaries. I doubt I'll be able to complete more than 1, if any, of the elite diaries with 45 defense and 52 prayer. D:
All the changes
: These are great.
I was looking forward to faster c ball making but it's very powerful so I don't mind it being removed.
I'm a little unsure about the bonecrusher, so perhaps more information about how ectotokens are used with it would be nice.
The ability to choose where the wilderness obelisks teleport you failed the bounty hunter poll, and I think that having this would change a lot of pvp, perhaps disable this in pvp/bh worlds or just remove it all together.
The enchanted bolt reward seems a bit random. Is it because fletching happens in seers? If so surely some sort of upgrade to the ava attractor would be better (Easy rewards get up to mithril arrows, elite get up to rune)
As for the
rewards that haven't changed
I still think the following:
XP based rewards should not give over 10% bonus XP and those are elite only. Ideally they'd just increase the number of items you get when activated. For example: instead of 10% farm experience in falador farm you get 10% more yeild from the farm. 10% bonus XP in the slayer tower changes to 10% more monsters to kill in the tower (only if you want and choose it).
The falador prayer reward seems very powerful, I'd say 10%, 25%, 50%, 100% recharge for easy, medium, hard and elite respectively.
New banks such as the cooking and mining guild have to be thought out so they're not the always the best bank. Such as a door getting in the way for the cooking guild or the distance to the ores in the mining guild.
Other ideas:
Also perhaps look into adding resource dungeons (like rs3 dungeoneering) for areas in the game.
Perhaps increasing the maximum points for BA would be good.
Upgrade to the ava attractor (Easy rewards get up to mithril arrows, elite get up to rune)
RIP Forums
Finally we have signatures in the surprise forum update. I'm Lewis, I play Old School & I've been playing since 2005.