A few thoughts..
I really like the private chin area reward and was thinking, instead of giving bonus xp rewards, why not unlock more private resource areas that provide better xp by being less populated or closer to a bank. For example, maybe ore veins can be added to the interior walls of the Motherlode mine, closer to the bank and apparatus. Adding deposit boxes to various locations can also assist in this.
Many skillers like myself aren't into pvp whatsoever so can we create something to help them out in pvp situations? Any time I'm in the wildy I don't risk any items and if I get pk'd, it's because I'm not risking much. Iam rather helpless defensively in these situations and a target for an easy kill. It's for situations like these that I suggest the following rewards for the wilderness diaries:
-ability to change Ghorrock teleport to inside kbd lair (elite with 96 magic req)
-teleportation spells work 10 levels further in the wilderness while wildy sword is equipped (hard)
-teleblock duration is reduced to 1 min if wildy sword is equipped
-increasing Mage def bonus on wildy sword (up to +40 or higher)
To avoid organized pvp repercussions, perhaps the Mage def bonus can be applicable only when the sword is worn with two other diary items (or any other combination of non pvp items).
A couple other ideas:
-unlimited or reduced sprint rates within varrock city/castle walls
-less daily rewards (I thought we were going to stay away from daily tasks that 'force' players to keep up) OR daily rewards that add up for a period up to a week (250 flax a day can be harvested once a week for 1750 flax at once)
-construction benefits such as reduced butler times and or fee.
-more new spells or skill unlocks that still require high skill levels AND elite diary completion.
02-Dec-2014 04:21:56